
Friday, June 14, 2013


Assalamu’alaikum & hi

Drawing isn’t my hobby. It is a precious gift bestowed by Allah S.W.T., Alhamdulillah.
Today I wanna share how I draw stuffs (well I only draw human figures tbvh). May I reset my language to hybrid or rojak language? 


First and foremost, your phone or tablet(?) should be in your hand rn. Make sure phone anda dah ada application(s) such as LINE Brush, Sketchbook, Photoshop and so on. 

Aku guna LINE Brush. Senang nak guna. Bila dah ada semua benda tu and dah explored everything, then let’s get started!

  • Firstly, aku roughly sketched the head and chest. Aku lukis rambut dulu, then baru shadowed some parts; mouth, nose, eyes, and neck; sebab senang aku nak lukis those parts dengan detail later.
  • Kemaskan sikit kat bahagian rambut (well, takde kemas sangat pun…aku cuma lebatkan lagi rambut). Then, draw the ears on both sides.
  • Outline telinga, muka and leher; supaya senang nak lukis. Lagipun, outline memang penting and patutnya dah kena buat daripada awal…tapi aku ni peliks sikit, ampun.
  • Okay! Sekarang baru kemaskan rambut yang dilukis awal-awal tadi; meaning that erase the unnecessary.  At first, I thought nak lukis rambut macam spiky sikit. Namun begitu, setelah muhassabah diri depan phone dok fikir pasal rambut spiky acano aku nak lukis...akhirnya aku lukis je rambut ala-ala K-Pop sikit…sebab randomly Dongho (from U-Kiss) popped up from nowhere in my mind and sorry me too, idekw. Next, lukis (my favourite part, omgomgomg!) mata!

  • Pastu, lukis baju. Setahu aku, atm aku bayangkan lukis baju Melayu. Well, it is up to you nak lukis apa for the chest part.
  •  I did details on eyes. Aku started shadowing at that particular part. Pastu, aku outline nose and mouth…dan aku lukis kening! Usually aku suka lukis thick eyebrows but atm aku lukis thin eyebrows. Maybe keluasan forehead dia terlalu terhad.
  • Then, buat details on mouth and a bit on nose. Time tu aku lukis mulut yang tebal…macam woman’s. So, in order to prevent orang jadi sceptical esp abt the genre of the character I drew above…
  • …aku berjaya buat pembedahan mulut.

  • Aku terus perincikan on mouth and nose.
  • Teruskan lagi doing the details on mouth and nose. Plus, I did some adjustments on the face…dah lupa which parts aku ubah but you can see the slight differences from previous picture (refer picture 9).
  •  At last dah siap but…wth people,wait! Aku belum habis buat shadowing lagi…tapi takpe maybe atm I thought “well…boleh lah kan benda ni.” However, unfortunately… lukisan tuu tetap jadi peliks. The more I stared on the drawing, the more I feel like “wth muka dia peliks”  Langsung tak macam aku bayangkan. Well, tbvh aku tak pernah imagine stuffs to draw. Aku randomly draw stuffs. Apa yang atm aku imagine, benda tu keluar but usually bukan yang expected imagined stuffs…sebab bila nak lukis lain, but end up jadi benda lain. Oh dear, that is so Anis.

  • Aku tak puas hati dengan previous result. So tanpa fikir panjang, I took a huge step – reset semua benda tu balik. No, jk. I lied. Aku cuma reset and adjust bahagian muka je…sebab aku tak suka tengok muka previous result tu (refer picture 11). Tengok, besar tak perbezaan aku buat.
  • I coloured the eyes and finished the details. Aku sempat lukis buttons for baju Melayu. So, yay? I edited the ears as well.
  • Namun begitu, aku ni manusia biasa yang tak pernah puas hati dengan usaha diri sendiri. Aku tak puas hati esp on bahagian mata (dah lah my all-time favourite part!) So aku ubah sikit. Takde beza sangat pun tapi orang kata, small differences will change everything…kan?
  • Step 15 ni sangat crucial and penting. Patutnya kena buat this step from the beginning but…(oh well, act aku dah buat cuma tak sempat nak captured the screen)…aku buat lagi for self-satisfaction. Lupa bagitahu cara dia: First, flip the drawing to the opposite side then baru tau sama ada ada kecacatan ke tak. In my case, bila aku flip it,  baru aku tau ada sikit masalah kat bahagian mata. Yang lain…I let them pass.

I never let the drawing would turn out with those kind of eyes! Kalau aku tak buat few adjustments on eyes, aku rasa…aku tak sanggup tatap lukisan ni right after done with it. Sebab mata dia had unpleasant and mixed feelings…imo. Aku tak suka, so aku nak tukar juga.

  •  Biarkan gambar tu dalam keadaan flipped sebab senang nak edit imo. Next, aku terus edit mata dia. I spent doing that for hours. At last, aku macam…pasrah je dengan apa yang aku buat and it is not a bad, I guess.  Nampak lebih macam lukisan…aku harap this drawing never resembles to anyone. Biarkan dia nampak macam a mere anime original character of mine or…(you know what, nevermind).
  • Okay…dah final stage. Masa ni, aku cuma buat small edits. I thought nak biarkan dia in BW or monochrome but then aku rasa nak buat dia in colours pulak. Aku takde tambah extra colours or repaint the drawing sebab aku malas (duhh beach pls…ain’t nobody got time for colouring). Aku terlalu malas nak colour so I made up my mind to use filters instead. So, sebab tuu lah the drawing seems to has (a lil…) colours on it. Well done, Anis (pat pat on the back)!

So, above is the result, lepas bertempur dengan diri sendiri demi menyiapkannya. Hmm…actually the drawing above is my original character for the story I’ve written since kecik lagi but I’m not planning to get serious abt the story, meaning that aku tak terfikir pun nak buat komik or doujinshi. It will be awesome kalau aku boleh buat (ugly creeeeeys…ugly sobbing…). Aku jarang lukis using gadgets or software or application as the platform or tools. Aku selesa randomly do it by using pencil (well ballpen pun boleh gak). Aku jarang spent hours for drawing tapi if ever aku buat, tuu maknanya aku memang serious as shit nak siapkan benda tuu…for self-satisfaction. Macam the drawing above…hanyalah semata-mata untuk puaskan diri. Aku tak melukis for hobby and for anyone. Aku lukis untuk diri sendiri (sounds selfish, kan?) and ikut mood. Bila rasa nak lukis, aku lukis.

Macam tuu lah aku lukis, normally. Aku start randomly and end it randomly, far from the expectation ofc. Aku ni amatur but wait…the worst ever! Lagi teruk dari amatur. Aku cuma lukis apa yang aku suka, dengan cara yang aku suka. So, takde lah rasa pressure sangat actually. Senang kata, kita kena yakin dengan setiap benda kita buat dan percaya dengan diri kita sendiri yang kita boleh buat. Don’t ever let yourselves get eaten by negative words and bad influence. That’s all.


P/S: Cuti dah habis dan semester baru bermula. Aku probably dapat classmates baru or aku lah that new classmate. Well, sokay socool. Classmates ni imo datang dan pergi. First sem, orang lain. Next sem, kau dengan orang lain pulak. Ta’aruf berlaku setiap semester. Aingo.