
Thursday, January 28, 2016

Little time

Assalamu'alaikum & Hi.

It has been months since the last update. So many things happened throughout 2015, and now, it's already 2016 y'alls. So, perancangan 2016? Hmm.

"You never know the top till you get too low"

So, me in 2015, is me at the lowest. Hujung tahun 2015, aku dah dapat 'enlightenment' but aku tak boleh nak ubah semalaman and Alhamdulillah I could feel the differences as aku slowly being detached to anything that have been dragging me down to the deepest, the lowest I could get, till now to be very honest. I'm a fighter and survivor and I've survived before this despite shortcomings, I can survive this. I can.

Ya, betul tu, I'm so powerless to mend everything you've destroyed right now. There's nothing we can do about the madness, kan, m8? Tapi, takpe. Tunggu je situ, baby. Tunggu je.


P/S: sometimes aku suka bila aku jadi super grouchy and angsty. 

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Ramadhan Goals 101

Assalamu'alaikum & Hai.

Salam Ramadhan al-Kareem to all Muslims. May Allah S.W.T. bless you, and hope all your Ramadhan goals that you have set will be accomplished, In Shaa Allah.

Alhamdulillah, dapat merasa Ramadhan kat rumah, doing all those real housewife works. Cuma, this update is directed to those old or new acquaintances: aku minta maaf dan maafkan andai kata salah silap sama ada aku ke kau menjadi punca jurang yang wujud antara kita. 

Aku macam, baru nak embrace the reality of me, and this life. Selama ni asyik lari je, lupa yang aku ni semput orangnya. So, sekarang aku tak larat, just face everything head-on, sebab Allah bagi ujian kepada kita sebabnya Dia Maha Mengetahui yang kita mampu menghadapinya, sounds familiar, kan? 

Wassalamu'alaikum & Salam Ramadhan al-Mubarak (:

P/S: Next update, maybe recap sebelum ni kut. Maybe.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Double shots espresso really got me like

Assalamu'alaikum and hi.

I would love to update anything now but I need food, like, now. And tahniah for the longest post title ever

[Edit:] Tak jadi makan but tunggu je lah bila aku rajin

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Hidup balik

Oh dear, baby, I'm still alive.
Assalamu'alaikum dan hai dunya. 

Tapi, aku lapar so updating blog right now uhmm that's a no no.

[Edit:] Leggo.

Oh wait, pls excuse my bahasa and enjoy the journey, it's gonna be bloody hell long post.

Sunday, August 31, 2014


Oh hai, apa khabar?

Masih rajin lagi update blog ni. Aku nak update sekarang. Namun begitu, oleh sebab aku ni memang selamanya pemalas dan akibat kekangan masa dan rn I'm having an overwhelming urge to play any of pokemon and read any fanfics, aku tak rasa nak update sekarang.

Oleh hal demikian, nanti aku tulis.

Okay. Sekarang aku tengah rajin. So, leggo!