
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Don't look at this .

Did you ever think, what are you made of ?
Yes , usually , this post doesn't related to the title of this post & the question above :)

Let's say, I won't let you know.

Before :)
After :)
I made a little changes to my cutey desktop .
Well , can you spot what are differences between two screenshot up there ?
I did some experiments with some icons & wallpapers. I found those cutey things on someone's deviant account. Well, today, I want to recommend you those cute icons & wallpapers. Oh, and make sure you credits the creator after you downloaded them.

You can change the icons, pick the one you like, okay?
Eh, you don't even know how to change the icons ? Don't worry, I save you :)

Okay , now you know. Then, goodluck :)

Yesterday stories 

Yesterday, my friends and I went to Mid Valley, watching cinema together. Yeah, after a long time we didn't hangout together, yesterday was the day we hangout :) At last.

I hanged out with Ain Adila, Amalina Nordin & Najla Abdullah.
We watched cinema & then ate together at Food Junction.

We watched Ngangkung, a horror-comedy Malay movie.

Cerita ini mengkritik perbuatan keji orang yang sukaa suki main nombor ekor, guna bomoh, pinjam duit along & menipu orang lain, termasuk yang tersayang.

Ada jugaa nilai murni yang dapat dikesan macam, kasih sayang antara keluarga, suami isteri, hantu dengan hantuu pun ada xD Even though cerita ni kelakar, tapi dia ada bagi mesej kat kita. We should be take the moral values seriously, okay?

Mereka sedang mengangkung 
Akibat mengangkung, that thing follows them.
Ahah, macam menakutkan kan? 
Well, memang patut takut apa. Tapi, lagi wajib takut kepada Tuhan kita, Allah S.W.T.

Then, after watched the movie, we went Food Court untuk makan makan :)
Oh, I don't have the pics those we captured together yesterday. But, you can view them in this blog:

Tengok puas puas, okay?

Photography Graphics, Tumblr Photography

Humans, I need to study. But, I won't. So, what am I gonna do now?

Starting December, Hafiz & I need to start our engine. For what?
For our future, study study study =='

Next year, we both become the candidates of important exams 2011, PMR & SPM !
MG, I feel nervous, automatically. I never feel it before but now I feel it. This is bizarre !

Actually, I already start studying on last week. I checked back my Chemist paper and I realized that I've done such stupid mistakes! I know, I should have heard my mom's advice. 

"Anis, belajarlah."

Ah, today, I learnt Physics. Hebat wehh !
Physics are superb and I just discovered that. I like :)

Word Art Graphics

Yes, I love doing it 

This holiday, so much sweet things happen. Oh, bitter things too :')

Ada someone tanya saya semalam,

"Kau ganas macam dulu tak?"

Kau nak kena sepakk laju laju dengan aku ?

EEH , aku dah insaf la weh ==' Betul, tak tipu ?

Ahha , frankly speaking , aku xganas tapi aku lasak sikit je :)