
Monday, April 2, 2012

Future Husband ♥

Assalamualaikum & Greetings (:
This post is for my future husband.

Hi, Mr. Future Husband!

I got something for you here. Ehemm ehemm.

Maybe you think this is too early to post something like this.
But, sementara idea non-stop flowing, why not I post something like this. 
Ehemm, Mr. Future Husband, I have few rules, before you nikah me. Check'em out:

1. Real Me

I'm different, means luar lain dalam lain.
Note that saya bukan hipokrit, saya jujur & langsung tak reti menipu. You must know me better, kang dah kahwin baru terkejut beruks comel bila dapat tau bini punya perangai macam beruang ganas. Mehhe (:

2. Fair

Saya nak berdekatan dengan parents saya, please?
Layan ibu bapa saya baik, saya layan parents awak super baik.
Kalau before kahwin anda kata boleh, after kahwin takboleh pulak, I can't tolerate with you anymore. Parents itu jantung luaran saya, tahu?

3. Enough

Before you nikah me, pastikan your finance sudah stabil. 
It is not that I want your money or anything else, supaya you boleh jalankan your responsibilities dengan betul. So that, you takde lah jadi suami yang berdosa kan kan? As long as, you prepare me a home, forever food & clothes, everything will be forever fine. 

Tapi kan, in case if I'm working, duit saya duit saya. Duit awak, duit kita juaa.
Jangan marah, that's according to Islam.

4. Islam

I don''t really mind whether you are pious or not or semi or whatever.
Okay, I'm not trying to be Mrs. Future Queen Control, but I really want:

1. Solat Jema'ah every Maghrib & Isyak
2. Reading Al-Qur'an every night/day (if possible)

Kalau ada anak, saya offer nak ajar anak baca Al-Qur'an sendiri! Mehhe.
Yang pasti, encik kena jadi Imam (:

5. I'm sorry but I love you, Mr. Future Husband

I know this one sounds a bit hilarious, but, hey, I'm serious here.
I love Park Sang-Hyun. You know, he is Korean. I fall for him since I was in sweet six-teen. Tapi kan, saya dah tekad nak selamanya suka dia. Jadi, kalau ada gambar dia merata-rata, macam dekat phone, PC, laptop, note book, diary, posters, albums, photobook, and also in purse, awak janganlah marah or jealous and seriously, jangan naik angin berang tak pasal pasal. Because even though saya minat dia, tapi saya sayang awak. Awak lebih HD compared to him. Anyway, please don't hate him. Kekekek~

6. Smile

I always love people with smile on their face. 
Even though how terrible your days, don't forget to smile always. Only with a grin, you can make me happy. Betul, tak tipu.

7. Others

There are few things you must know so that in the future, there will be no problem or any predicament happens to us (especially you):

1. I get drunk when drinking iced lemon tea.
2. I am an otaku & K-Pop fan
3. I love black cat and I will name it Ren!
4. I love panda for no reason. You know, there is a biskut panda, sold in Tesco. I really glad if you buy it for me. 
5. Don't bring me having dinner outside, unless it is either KFC or McD or A&W. I don't like having dinner or lunch or whatever in hotel or kedai mamak or tepi jalan. The best is bring the food & eat'em at home.
6. Currently, I know how to cook veges. Sihat kau nanti, bhahaha xD
7. Jangan bagi bunga or chocolate or bears or girls accessories as a gift. Tak suka. Treat me delicious food or buy some shoes or shawl/scarf. 
8. Saya betul tak usha lelaki sejak saya lahir lagi, tapi saya usha lelaki Cina, dan Korea, Jepun. Mehhe.

That's all from me. Wassalamualaikum (:

Any updates, I will edit here. Stay tune :>

My husband wannabe is Kris from EXO, and the fake one is Thunder from MBLAQ.
Take note, I didn't make them as my bias because they are good looking. It is because I love their personality & attitude. So, that's why.