
Friday, May 18, 2012


Assalamualaikum & Greetings (:
I don't even have a crush. Recently, I really curious bout this guy. 

Does he considered as my crush?
I guess not.

Okay, hi again.

First & last time, I had a crush, when I was 12.
I fell for him, and he was my first crush. And finally, he noticed me.

Ye lah, mana tak kantoi weh, aku macam stalker sasaeng habis lah.
Serious, tak tipu. Well, itu dulu. Sekarang, 18-year-old-Anis-Wu ni dah tak main stalk orang. Jeling menggedik pun dah tak main dah. Jap, pernah ke? Tak.

Now, I have no crush.
Dalam dunia maya, memang sah lah takde.
Apatah lagi, in reality, ZERO. Sedih? Heavenly, NO.
Tapi lumrah dunia, perempuan suka lelaki. Got problem with that? Pergi kaunseling!

Those fucking nonsense words.
These days, I LOVE YOU means nothing to some earthlings. Why?
Some people said I LOVE YOU, but then he/she didn't really mean it.

People, please appreciate and value these words: 
Don't easily throw it to people you don't really mean to love him/her. Be honest & stop lying. If you do, you'll decide what happens next - Jigoku Shoujo

Mr.Crush or I called him
Mr. IFallForYouButYouForeverNeverKnowMe
(...melampau panjang macam nak kena sepak gedik kan? Aku tahu, tapi jangan sepak aku)

I give you a message:

It is in Japanese.
In case you eagerly wanna know its meaning, Google kan ada.


Wassalamualaikum & enjoy your days on earth!

Why did I post this? Nadu mollagaesseo~