
Monday, October 29, 2012

Itik Biru

Assalamu'alaikum & Greetings.

Hi. Ni hao ma ?

Today 'le family and me went to Sunway Lagoon !


We enjoyed all games offered there. However, the games are limited even though you already bought tickets for the all-parks-are-available package. The words 'limited' here means you are able to play few games that available at this present. Actually, Sunway Lagoon is now having an upgrade, repairs and maintenance for most of the games there. Roller Coaster, Grand Canyon, some extreme Water Park games are currently being upgraded and repaired. A bit despair we felt, frankly speaking yet still happy. WEEHOO!

Although we having some difficulties on that day, still we had so much fun together, spending time together as family. Family Outing, LOL.

Random things I recently posted on Twitter.

Ayah kata, "Anis, balik je entah dari mana-mana dia datang, terus pergi depan cermin entah apalah dia buat..." Then, Diba lately successfully made an observation on me and said, "Kau kan...'cermin whore'. No! A 'cermin bitch'." Well, Anis kan. Hikhik.

This berry berryyyyy long holiday, I should spend a day finding a new Thunder nametag
Above shows the former nametag which already terpatah dua dan MIA. Hal ini menyebabkan, seorang A+ mahu mencari a replacement of the old nametag. Persoalannya, adakah ini satu keperluan? No, it is another form of satisfaction in my life, and absolutely not yours. #FGT (LOL! Using hashtag on blog. Desperado~)

Okay, copy-pasted statement begins here: This berry berryyyyy long holiday, I should spend a days finding a new Thunder nametag. making tons of bola-bola from benang kaitLOL. Ikr that I was born being talented making those cute little things. This talent inherited from my highschool Art teacher, Mrs. Aslinda. A hooray for her, yaaaaay!  Whilst making this, teringat zaman muda dulu buat benda sama-sama dengan dearest classmates and friends. Then bila dah siap, we were comparing whose the most beautiful among others'. Well, yang pasti aku tak pernah tersenarai dalam Solihin's Next Top Bola-bola Paling Hot Hotter Hottest Hottaque (pronunciation: Hotak). AH-HA.

Being 'camera whore' is difficult, imo. This is due to I'm lacking of poses.
Just smile. And snap the picture. *click* Then the awkward moment when you realized that all poses done by you and yourselves almost likely. And this is what actually happened on me. Hikhik. Well I like 'le me with that lame pose. The photo was selfishly taken today at Sunway Lagoon at Fun Fair Park.

Dulu, Che & I used to have lotsa Hello Panda. Now both freaks separated and apart from each other, jadi sudah jarang makan makanan yang berspesies ini. Namun begitu, pada suatu hari, Saroro muncul dengan membawa sekilang Hello Panda dengan pelbagai jenis rempah ratus & warna warni. Hal ini mencetuskan diri untuk melamar Hello Panda untuk tinggal selamanya dan menjadi sebahagian hidup si Anis, dengan syarat; si Anis harus mmengorbankan fulus yang berharga untuk memperoleh makanan tersebeut kemudian memakannya. Hmm. Okay, what was I trying to tell again?

Nak PiroPiro. Kibum-sshi, mohon belanja saya PiroPiro satu.
Nak jadikan PiroPiro teman wrestling and smack-down, bila tidur nanti.

Wassalamu'alaikum and SPM candidates, goodluck & enjoy answering those papers.

A family hangout at Sunway Lagoon, if you desire to know more about what were really happening, please kindly read it soon on my sis' personal blog, which I already linked at my sidebar down there. *scroll down, scroll down*