
Sunday, December 9, 2012

Selepas 5 tahun...

Assalamu'alaikum & Greetings.


Rasanya, lukisan aku berkembang seiring dengan umur & kematangan aku /facepalm/

Becoming more matured and...pervert(?)... щ(ಥДಥщ) FFFFUUUUUUU !
/lol/ But seriously...don't you think so? The way those cute characters drawn by Anis from 2007, now they grown up and kinda having that kind of body... /facepalm/Aku...dah makin tak berkemampuan lukis figura perempuan. Aku prefer yang versi 2007, instead of 2012. Kalau figura lelaki, karakter lelaki, ofc aku pilih versi 2012 /hikhik/ Dan...aku buat kesimpulan.Tuntasnya, Anis gagal dan /forever/ takkan reti tiru lukisan lain, meskipun lukisan dia sendiri ಠ_ಠ 

Yang bawah ni, comparison between two drawings of 2007 and 2012. Check'em out.

omg waddhaheckkkkk !
Beza 360 degree /lol/ and aku completely failed copying the details and suka hati aku ubah. That makes me failed becoming a manga or even doujinshi artist tbh omg. 

Now lemme show you others from my recent collection.
...I mean...the progress. 

I don't really post the original drawing here...I mean all of them are sketches and aku takde niat nak lineart or outline them. Why? I'm sorry, saya malas. But well, di mata aku, everything turns out well and awesome though. 

Sepanjang aku melukis, bila mood ada, aku...hampir tak rehat, tak makan, dan tak tidur. And again...that makes me failed becoming uhh... doujinshi or manga artist. 

Breakfast and high tea; segerombolan biskut panda (well now aku ada cotton bun & kek batik...), lunch; plain nasi and ikan bakar, with chocolate ovaltine, dinner; 2-mins-curry-maggi, pulut with rendang daging and strawberry tea, and finally for...supper; tons of sweet. Sila gembira sekarang Anis, sebab sepanjang kau hidup kau berjaya ternak lemak dan lipids yang comel. 

That's all. Wassalamu'alaikum.

P/S: I didn't scan the drawings, all were taken by a super-lower-budget-phone. Well yeah. And...I got flu...darn it.