
Sunday, September 8, 2013

A Real Deal, Bro

Assalamu'alaikum & Hai.
Another tutorial, uhmm well, no. It is more to like, showing you the work-in-process. Here we go.
CS3 and a mere tikus, accompanied by Mayo-san. Warning: Hybrid language is used here

No pngs, no textures, no additional backgrounds, no vectors, but yes, filter is used
(Click to enlarge the image below)

First, say hi to Hijikata then start sketching whatever you desired to. Normally, I sketch with 45% gray and start with parts of body, before outlining it.

I rarely outline my drawings, they are usually in the form of doodles and rough sketches, with mechanical pencils. Well, tbvh, I rarely draw digitally, either via apps on phone or here, in the computer. As for the outlining process, refer to the setting I used. Note that I just a noob in drawing or stuffs, so that setting is for noob and lazy-assed like me duh.

From here, just draw whatever you desired to on the drawing. Well, tbh, at first, I wanted it topless but that would cause lotsa of work to paint it then. So, an effortless black long sleeves top with no shades is a good choice then.

Eliminate the unnecessary things like, extra lines, sketches and traces...and hijikata.

Then, touch up a bit till you satisfied, meh.

Next, start painting and shading parts that needed to. 

I suggest to add filter(s) to make the drawings looks fine, well actually, I added the filter because of bad at coloring, painting and stuffs. Never actually good at it, tbvh. 

Flip the drawing, to check errors or some extra lines or stuffs. If you satisfied, then it is fine then, the drawing.

Jjaaaaaaaaang! It is done, finally. Then, add anything you desired to like - backgrounds, another characters, scenery, stuffs. I prefer to draw anything with plain and empty background, like this one. Lemme introduce a bit about the character drawn on the drawings above, it is Kai Haris, my original character, oc, from a project that I currently working on it. But, he is not the main character though. [Edited1:] Shit wait. Here's the main character in progress, but now alrdy done w it actually. Took a day to finish them all, hmm maybe I spent too much time on how to draw the attires and such. So, here's the progress.

The actual drawings for both, are not included here in this post. Why? Just because. [Edited2:] Aku rasa nak compile eveything into a post, asalkan about drawing, bla bla and stuffs. So, here another character from the same project fufufufuuu~

Here, ada patterns and pngs. For brush, aku guna apa yang ada, meaning that, basic/default brushes. For shading process, hmm sayaaaaang, I guna patterns je and I recommend you guys to use shadow brushes instead patterns, sebabnya using patterns require lotsa efforts and patience. Plus, for whoever yang wondering what applications used to edit stuffs above, kindly refer to: picmonkey and pixlr. Dunia dah maju, semua kerja makin mudah, then kita just manfaatkan everything with the right purposes. Wait. Right purposes, huh? Well tbvh aku tak ada niat mazmumah tapi apa yang aku cuba terapkan di sini, I want to share uolls how everything was drawn...hmm entahlah. That depends on how you see things.   

That's all for today.

Magi will be out maybe on this month, then Psycho-Pass will be having another season and a movie, Black Butler will be released on Spring of 2014 and keep calm, waiting tsk tsk tsk. Block B is back, btw.