
Friday, September 6, 2013


Assalamu'alaikum and hi.

Dah sebulan, I didn't update or write smth on here, idekw, but tbvh, I did it accidentally on purpose - malas. Aku dan malas, forever tak dapat dipisahkan. Kami buddyz, kami takkan terpisah. Okay, abaikan.

Tak busy mana pun, actually. Cuma, malas nak interact with either, random netizens or 2D or real very beings, humans, I mean. Okay, recently, I did some research on personalities, health and diseases, exo, and stuffs. Then, I found smth that caught my attention, and unexpectedly it gave me a shock, to the extent that I was actually jumping out of the chair and screaming "oh shhhhhhhhhhhhit" which literally means "oh, tahi" in Malay, but nvm that, I'm not gonna tell ye wth was that 'smth' btw.

Well, tbh, sebulan aku tak update due to the fact that I've spent most of the time spazzing and fangirling over exo...and movies. Right now, currently, I'm working on smth which requires me to draw, write, think and study more than I have to. Tak suka betul bila aku overworked, sebab nanti aku recharge or hibernasi lama berkurun. Okay, that sounds exaggerated. 

Thinking too much causes you more stressed. You possess negative auras when you have worry and despair/sadness surround you. Worry of your own future and despair on your pasts. Orang kata, if you already have solutions to your problems, what are you worried about actually? Even if, you still have no clue to solve your problems, why you have to worry and bother about it, since worry doesn't even solve a thing. Faham, tak? Macam orang lain kata lah, "Tak guna nak menangis ke menggelabah sekarang, bukan selesaikan apa-apa pun" So, bak kata orang muda sekarang, keep calm & stop worrying for nothing

And oh, btw, don't watch movies or dramas that have too many emotional, depressing, dramatic, irritating, deep, dark, quiet, sad, despair, stressful, frustrated, hatred, and mixed feelings. I went to continue my adventure of feels for a month, so basically me watching dramas...

As the result, aku jadi sangat emosi. Plus, aku almost relate all things with every scenes I watched from dramas and movies or sometimes anime. Being emotional causes you weak, imo. But, the best things watching dramas ke apa, those are my source of inspiration, motivation and ideas. What's more, I need to ship my otps so hard, till dorang bergabung.

Then, cakap pasal otps terus in my mind, thinking of having intimate relationship. Well, no, thanks, I taknak ofc. Bila aku jumpa someone who is likable or perfect di mata orang lain, or someone yang berusaha sedaya upaya buat lawak hambar and worsen the atmosphere, so most of the time I was like 

Type? I do have one finally.

                     takkan dapat kut.


Selamat Hari Raya & Salam Hari Malaysia.

Aku rasa, maybe future husband aku tuu opposite of me, an exo