
Friday, November 15, 2013


Exactly! This is how I live throughout the holiday.
Assalamu'alaikum & Hi uolls.

Well, tbh, aku tiada perut besar, meaning that selera aku tak besar, aku tak banyak makan. Plus, to some point where I sometimes didn't eat for a day. Tak elok, kan? So, nak promote a healthy diet or a healthy lifestyle, bukan bidang aku and people should stop asking me how are you, Anis? And I was like Good. Period. Tapi, cuti ni bukannya aku banyak makan, cuma sometimes I do lotsa work related to food, like making food? Masak? Yes, but I don't like the term used. Masak. Aku tak suka masak, I don't remember being good at it. How ignorant.

Recently, aku dah ada my own diet. Okay, since aku ni spend scare time a lot hibernating, so aku kena jaga makan. How? Aku makan nasi, once in a blue moon, to the extent that langsung tak ambil nasi. Boleh kira, in a week, aku hanya makan 3 pinggan, and sepinggan cuma ada half of a small bowl of nasi, and lauk. I'm not a fan of veges, but aku boleh makan. Ironically, aku suka sangat timun. I can eat them as snacks, really. If tak makan nasi, apa aku makan?

Roti. But, bila rumah dah scarce in breads, terpaksa consume oily food. Tuu pun sikit. Nak makan, tapi sebenarnya malas. So, itu punca aku kurang makan. Then, as for drinks, aku suka minum susu, a fresh milk. Kalau malas, sky juice pun boleh. Kalau rajin, any random self-made fruit juice. Kalau sangat rajin, a white coffee or hot chocolate sudah memadai. But seriously, kena banyakkan minum air, mineral water or fresh water. Since aku duduk rumah, getting rotten here, so to refresh self, air sangat penting. But, aku jarang minum air kat rumah, idekw. 

Oleh itu, jangan contohi this kind of lifestyle. Ahhaha pls if you do, stahp it rn.
I won't brag abt me memasak sebab apa yang aku masak tuu apalah sangat. Plus, pretty sucks at it. Besides doing this and that, kan aku spend scarce time on dramas, only one episode per day. Lain? House chores, tapi don't expect too much on me. Ahhahahah I could be pretty useless. "Kau tu reti belajar je.."  even studying takes lotsa effort. Tau tak, belajar sehari if you really focus on it like 1000%, banyak calories burnt and what's more, at the end of your studying, kau akan rasa lemah. That's applied to me. So, another tips nak kurus, belajar. Read, study and focus on your studying. 

Tuntasnya, hiduplah macam mana kau nak hidup, as long as it is accordance to the Shari'ah guidelines. Take the risks, everything you've decide for your life. Wassalamu'alaikum.

P/S: Benny dah pergi mengembara.

PP/S: Weekly dramas that I currently watch this holiday

Mon-Tue: The Suspicious Housekeeper
Wed-Thu: The Heirs & Secret ((but it is ended alrdy)) / Pretty Boy
Fri-Sat: Reply 1994
Sun: ((anime and family day))

House chores and dramas
Family time and random anime, game ((time for being noob))