
Thursday, October 24, 2013


Assalamu'alaikum & Hey earthlings.
Now, I determined to write this post. 

Yeah, let's do this shit!

Oh, hai!
So, cuti dah bermula aaand since I'm not motivated to work or do anything else, I spend my scarce time with hibernating and watching dramas. Plus, not to mention, I'm making a tons of tsuru(s) or simply can be called as crane origami, also, I try driving a sedan and an auto car, since I didn't drive for a year so I need to brush up my skills, and I'm writing tons of stories...that have not yet met their ends unfortunately. Ofc, doing house chores is a must and I need to figure out abt my MUET. Being an adult is really difficult actually. So, children and teenagers, please, do enjoy your youth...wisely, and not only just for fun.

Okay, let's take a look what dramas I currently watching.

Secret Love at some sites, so yang paling betul, 비밀 that means, secret.  And so, kenapa tengok cerita ni? At first, baca sinopsis dia. Disebabkan langgar lari, jadilah drama yang tragis ni. I cried watching the first episodes and lama-kelamaan dah tak boleh nangis sebab the episodes are getting too intensed and every time aku tengok, aku terlebih emosi. Itu masalah perempuan, sebenarnya, terlebih emosi. So far, recommended to watch for those who are longing for melodrama or any drama yang ada tragis, sikit-sikit nak nangis, emosi lebih. So, siapa nak feeling terlebih, sila tengok. The cast? Oh, my favorite, JiSung. Well, all the casts are great, their acting, the storyline and everything.

The Suspicious Housekeeper
Actually it is a remake but a Korean version of Kaseifu no Miita, Miita The Housekeeper. Well, let's start talking abt the original version first. Rating for original version sangaaat bagus, especially when the final episode was airing in 2011, the rating in Japan was over 40% dan itu serious shit gempak, tak tipu. And so, bila dah ada remake and Korean version of this drama, orang mula compare. Usually when Korean started making remakes of any Japanese dramas, well, imo, they couldn't make as good as Japaneses did, except for beautiful-looking casts. However, this drama, The Suspicious Housekeeper, is surprisingly good! Seriously, at first, aku seemed doubtful nak tengok. But, this drama is already enough for me, meaning that, tak payah tengok Kaseifu no Miita dah. This drama is worth watching, but maybe it is too early for me declaring this statement since the drama has not finished airing yet. And so, all the casts, the storyline (ofc!) and everything are good! Recommended to watch, since it is all about family and stuffs.

The Heirs
Ini cerita paling aku rasa hesitant nak tengok The Heirs ni. Sebab? The story is too cliche. Macam tengok random Disney princess' movies. Tapi, the casts! Omg, seriously, I'm watching it bc of the cast, tbvh. The acting, bolehlah. Cuma aku ni biased sikit, no offense, aku tak berapa gemar sangat dengan Park Shin Hye's acting, since Go Mi Nam lagi. Ahhahaha, I'm not holding grudges. The first two episodes, well, again, tbvh, bosan. Sebab? Both eps abt how those two main characters fall for each other(?) and so, I skipped their lovey-dovey moments, but not the moments when Chan Young x Bo Na. Comel sangat, those two my otp as for now. Ahhahaha, tak habis-habis dengan otps dia. The storyline? After the first two eps, seems interesting though imo it is still cliche idk somehow but still watching it, just for the casts. Cerita budak-budak sekolah, sebab tu kut macam tak berapa sangat since aku dah habis sekolah. Aku cakap macam dah berumur sangat. Well, that's it.

Ando Llyod Knows Love?
In short, A.I. Knows Love?, jangan lupa...anda (?) mark at the end of the title. Okay, tak hambar tapi it may sound serious. Cerita ni...nothing serious sangat. Nak tengok suka-suka boleh je. Sci-fi, mystery and romance, so dia ada almost everything as for now, sebab aku baru tengok first episode and what's more, dia baru je started airing about last week? So, tak ada lagilah high expectation. Cuma, if you mind asking what to watch as for now? Yang boleh lah tengok saja-saja. Aaand siapa peminat Takuya Kimura, sila tengok cerita ni. Ugh, I didn't even watch Priceless yet, but it is on the list! The cast, storyline? Okay je semua, imo, nothing's wrong.

The long awaited live action drama, XXXHolic! Ahhahaha what's worst, aku baru tahu kewujudannya. It is aired awal-awal tahun ni, but biasalah, bila drama based on manga, mesti orang macam doubtful sikit. Aku pun tergolong gak dalam golongan yang doubtful. And, I alrdy finished watching all the eps and imo, 8 eps are not enough and 2nd season is really necessary. The cast, as for Yuko and Doumeki, both actor and actress are really suit the characters and play their roles well. And as for Watanuki, bolehlah tapi if dia betul-betul play the role well, dah cemerlang sangat lah. And what disappoint me is the actress who plays as Himawari-chan. Taknak cakap pape lah, sila tengok dulu. So, no humor and also no Mokona as well. Tak disappoint sangatlah, since if there's Mokona, there will be humors included too. Overall? Boleh tahan. Nak habiskan within a day, sangat possible, but better go with a week. Since each eps sangat pendek, the duration. So, macam basically, tengok-tengok macam tuu je lah. Takde lah bagi implikasi yang mendalam sangat. Am I implying that watching it doesn't worth much? No. Nak tengok, tengok. Taknak, jangan. Oi, lupa nak tambah. Aku suka belaka lengchai tinggi galah dalam drama ni.

Anything else?
Anime? Aku, time cuti ni, tak sesuai sangat nak sambung anime, idekw. But, kalau nak tengok pun, there's one anime that's currently airing right now and sangaaat recommended to watch it, because of its awesomeness. Bear with it.

Magi: Season 2
Magi is back, with The Kingdom of Magic! So, nak tengok yang ni, kena tengok the first season. If you're asking, the first season was totally awesome, serious shit gempak weh, tak tipu. Comel, adventures, friendship, magics, fantasy, Arabic names, cultures, characters, mysteries and everything! Kalau tengok, tak bosan gak ah. Aaand kalau nak more advanced, sila baca manga dia, okay? My opinion? Hmm, aku tbh baru tengok half of the first episode, so tak boleh cakap apalah. But, ini Magi, mesti awesome punya!

Now, manga? Hmm, aku tak berapa suka membaca, especially novel, textbooks, any kind of thick and small-sized fonts books and ofc, manga, doujinshi are also included. But, till now, I'm still reading Kuroshitsuji or known as Black Butler. Lately, well, it is starting since months ago, aku start baca this shoujo , even though langsung tak berkait dengan hidup aku. But, I was slowly drowning into the feelings, reading the manga. Aaand since the english subtitled version was really late atm, aku yang tak sabar ni baca the raw translations and thus, terlahirlah otp that I would like to ship them till its very end. 

Daytime Shooting Star
In Japanese, it is Hirunaka no Ryuusei. Kenapa Shooting Star at daytime? That black-haired girl somehow claimed that dia pernah tengok shooting star at daytime. Oh, tapi bukan tuu the main story. Ofc lah pasal cinta, since its genre is shoujo and a bit slice of life. Baca cerita ni, macam tengah tengok any asian drama, ugh. Oh, that black-haired guy is my type, even though many times aku kata I have no type, but at least ada preference kan? So, that black-haired guy is my type, but not the smoking habit or stuffs. Cerita dia? Not a typical shoujo, till now aku seems tak tau siapa dia akan pilih since there are so many possibilities, and those possibilities are actually good and aku terima seadanya, sebab all the characters are wonderful. Ugh, aku amazed everytime reading the storing, gazing every details of the arts ugh stop it.

So, maybe that's it? Yeah, that's all. 
Besides watching dramas, anything else aku buat time cuti ni? Dah bagitau rasanya. Oh, lupa nak mention, everytime I wake up in the morning, usually I would gaze the sky but now scrolling the timeline and stan those exo stans. Plus, every weekends, I spend time with an online game, but biasalah, forever noob. What to expect, bro? Wassalamu'alaikum & goodluck SPM '13 candidates!

Meh, aku reveal my list.
Tokyo Bandwagon, No Breathing, Gatchaman the Movie, Crows Explode, Black Butler the Movie, Daily Life of Highschool Boys the Movie, King2Hearts, You're the Best Lee Soon Shin and more.

Nak tau aku still wujud ke tak? This blog.

((critical)) art block, injured severely due to it