
Sunday, December 26, 2010

Bite You

This is VAMPS.

A Japanese-rock band formed by Hyde & KAZ .
I never heard their songs before , but I did hear their names .

I made my VAMPS with my own version, saja menggedik guna nama. 
You can read a simple meme below. Meme is post contains questions that need you to answer it. So, paham tak ?

Asalnya, aku nama je 4 watak lelaki yang aku selalu lukis tanpa gagal: Vanilla, Apple, Maggot & Plum. Mula mula, nak guna nama buah, alang alang dah ada Apple & Plum. Tapi, ada tak buah starting from V ? Aku rasa takde , so I'm just give his name Vanilla. Bila susun susun balik nama dorang, jadilah VAMPS ! ;)
From left: Vanilla, Apple, Maggot & Plum

Who are they?
 I made VAMPS as an indie band.They play guitars, acoustic, piano, drums. Alaa , macam usually indie band main. Apalah ==' Eh, indie band tak sentuh piano kan ? Tak, dorang tak . Tapi character aku ni mampu main. Ye laah , dorang bukan a real thing pun, just my imagination. So, aku boleh imagine apa aku nak lah kan ? That's not illegal , right ?

They are just characters those I usually draw. Seriously, aku takde niat nak lukis komik untuk VAMPS ni , just nak buat collection. Alaa, buat poster & wallpaper using VAMPS name and same characters. Isn't it illegal ? I don't think so.

When you start drawing them?
Since I draw them for Raya greetings.
Time lukis ni, aku macam tak berminat nak start do some collection. Bila jenuh usha lukisan aku yang imperfect ni, aku mula rasa aku start buat collection aku sendiri. Do you think so ? 

Eh, perasan tak? Their hairstyles are not same as the picture above from this one, kan ?
Ahha , that one was part of my plan. Make their hairstyles different every 2months I drawing them. Alaa , perasan tak, Korean bands always change their hairstyles for new album and new comeback ? Yes, they do. Perlukah aku tunjuk bukti untuk kukuhkan statement yang terkukuh aku ni ?

How was the collection now?
Dah sampai 10 pages now ! Cheers for 10 pages artwork collection, YAY !
Love them who always supporting me to do this ! Chu~

Oh lupa ;) Right now, I'm working hard to make a short story entitled 'Beautiful Ignorance'  or should I change the title ? Ahah, cerita pendek je. Senang nak buat komik. Lagipun, I've made one doujinshi before and aku rasa itu percubaan paling berjaya & terbaik dari ladang unta Yusuf Tayoob. 

What's your hope for this work?
I hope that no one will ask me: WHAT THE FUCKIN HELL ARE YOU DOING RIGHT NOW AND WHAT'S UP WITH THOSE BULLSHIT DRAWINGS? Ohh , aku taknak . Kalau aku dengar, aku lenyek dorang pakai 6-inches-heels kakak aku punya. Tak puas hati lagi, lenyek dorang ngan dagu kucing aku yang dah kurap tuu. Don't ever look down on me ;)

Lari topik lagi xD I hope I can divide times brilliantly to succeed this work. Then, start dengan projek lain pulak. Even though I'm not willing to be a comic artist or an illustrator, I need to use my talent and try to not wasting it. Wish me goodluck !

Lastly, take a good sight for this Japanese VAMPS ;D
Cheers for Hyde, IKE IKE GO GO !