
Friday, December 17, 2010

i-City, yes.

Hey ! Hey! Hey!
How this butterfly looks like ?


You can see this when you go to i-City, Shah Alam.
Opps ! It already on that photo, hee :)

I captured that butterfly on Saturday Night, 11th December, 2010.
That was the night I went there, and my first time. It was my sister and his husband suggestion at first. They wanted us join them to go there. 

At first, my dad disagree. He really hates hanging out on night. Me too =='
But my sister kept persuading and did some fake sobbing, and my mom was so touched. She has to agree and join them. Then, my mom dragged me together. I just, ugh ugh ugh ...

Then, Mak, Ayah, Hafiz, Shid, Diba & his husband, with her mom-in law, and together with me went there together with two mobiles. Raya sakan kat sana xD
There were too many lights, I mean, colourful lights, and so unique how they put the lights together and made some shapes or something. There were too many people...and cars ! Bayangkan, dari highway kereta beratur sama sama, cuma untuk ke sana . And then, bila sampai je, memang ramai manusia yang pelbagai rupa kat sana ! Seriously ramai ! 

Then, my brother said, "Ni benci ni, tengok anak-anak setan jalan jalan katsini !"

Aku ingat anak setan mana, rupa-rupanya what he meant was boys who wore the demon horns. Alaaa, macam evilporing dalam Ragnarok. Sorry, I can't help you if you can't imagine that sebab aku pun tak beli benda tuu. Ada niat, tapi macam worthless laaa, sayang =='

Okay, banyak lagi korang boleh tengok. At the same time you watch the lights, you might think like this: WTH, this is just waste my RM 10 to get here, just to watch stupid lights or gila membazir duit buat semua ni! Takde kerja lainkah ? Ahha, something like you might say. I know, you will give a good respond as soon as you get there, whenever you interested to go there. But, tengoklah . Rambut sama hitam, hati lain lain. Kan ?

Here, some photos: 
Ahha, I'm sorry ;D
I didn't mention bout animals before, am I ? Just that butterfly, right ?
Oh, sorry. Besides humans, there were animals too. Absolutely, can't-move-animals. You can find there: peacock, giraffe, tiger, horse, panda, flamingo, elephant and so on :)

But more importantly, you can find shops & restaurant !
Well, technically, aku jumpa macam bazaar. Like this one:
A bazaar !
Haha, takkan sesat punya, sebab ada dua entry je, I guess. Tapi, memang padat laa. Macam Milo dalam packet baru tuu.  Alaa, xtengok eh iklan Milo yang sumo tuu ? xD

Okay, I guess, I need to stop.
If you interested, you can go there. At night, make sure. 
You can't see the lights if you go at noon, you see. So, go at night. Make sure, keluar dari rumah awal. Sebab nanti lambat-lambat, pening kau cari parking & nanti balik pagi-pagi.

Here, the address :)

CityPark, 40000 Shah Alam, Selangor

Any information bout this place, kindly view this link:

then, wassalam :)