
Friday, December 17, 2010

Just because.

Just let the time go, and cover the remaining time with goodness & heavenly kindness.
Don't ever try countdown this holiday!

"OMO, two weeks more !"

Ahha, jangan risau. I'm still stuck with TV :)
Interesting, very interesting. Let's see, what I watch on TV last few days ago :D

Burn Notice
Parappapa ~ ! Much like White Collar, I guess. But the differences are the main character was FBI and he got burn notice so he is not FBI anymore, he has no money, nowhere to go. Every places dumps him. Ahha, his girlfriend did that too. Now, he wants to get his job back. But, how ? Jangan tanya aku, pergilah tengok !

The Twins Effect 2
I have no idea what's The Twins Effect 1 about, but I know this one. This story about, ada lelaki ni, innocent gila. Dia ada abang, dorang dua-dua pelakon. Pastu, jumpa pulak kembar perempuan. Dorang lama-lama jadi kawan sebab nak cari The Excalibur Sword, untuk kalahkan The Evil Queen. Yang lawaknya, permaisuri tuu tak suka laki, sejak dia nampak boyfriend dia curang. Pastuu, dia guna kuasa dia untuk tukar semua laki jadi perempuan ==' Gila lah ! Anyway, yang bestnya, ada ramai pelakon popular: Jackie Chan, Wilson Chen, Jaycee Chan, Edison Chen, Donnie Yen (Ip Man), Daniel Wu dan ramai lagi.

17 Again
Sorrylah, sebab lambat tengok. Baru ada kat TV apa =='
Well, memang dari dulu nak tengok dan sekarang dah. Well, how was it ?
What can I say, it's not bad ;D

My mom! Supermom!
Ahah, mula mula tengok, macam kelakar. Mana tak, mak dia suka berleter & mengarut macam apa entah. Main character, sorrylah, tak hensem xD Tapi, aku tengok jugak. Maybe sebab mak dia kut, buat aku terpesona nak tengok. Ahah, kau apa tau?
Wanna try watch it ? Kindly view this encore on Thursday at 11.30 a.m.

Hantu Kak Limah Balik Rumah
This is not TV movie but a cinema movie, which is currently on show at cinemas at Malaysia right now. And you know, I want to watch this. Actually, I want to try to watch. Cuma, bilakah ? Ahah, menghitung hari ~

Ah, times really gone fast, so instant and so quick.

And I am not afraid !