
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Saengil Chukka Hamnida ♥

Sorry for the late wish from me, to myself ;)

Anis anis ,

생일 축하 & Happy お誕生日, to you !

Ans Zulfadzli 
20 December 1994

Speaking bout my birthday,
I share my birthday date with:
Farah Razuwin
friends from SBU
Faiz Abdullah
junior from 3 Solihin '09
Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad
Malaysia 4th Prime Minister

Lain? Aku tak ingatlah =='

This post, I would like to share with you bout my birthday celebrations, since I was innocent child before. *innocent, yeah xD

Tuesday, at 9.45 p.m. in HBKL
I was born, YAY ! I didn't know how I felt because I didn't learn anything. Baby kan, time tuu :) My sis said before, when I born, the happiest person at that time is my dad, mostly. Haha , kiranya aku ni bawa cahaya kebahagiaan lah. Hee ;)

Ahah, aku tau ni langsung bukan aku xD
Aku mana ada blonde wehh ! Kalau ada, dah jadi hot sangat aku. Hee :)

10 years, aku lupa birthday aku cmne family celebrate kan. Celebrations from friends before, I never hope & wish for that. I knew that would never happen :') I only have my family to celebrate me. Every celebrations was a memory for me. Tapi , malangnya, aku dah lupa :( Maybe betul kata Fakhitah,

"Kau ni LK! Lupa kan kawan..."

The way she said, memang cam kejam ayat tuu. But I know, in deep deep down for her bottom heart, dia memang sayang aku. Kan ?

Time ni, seingat aku laa, aku pernah dapat pedang dari big brother, Budi :)
Tau tak kesan aku ada pedang tuu ? Kesan dia , sangatlah NEGATIF ! Aku cucuk mata adik aku . Luckily, he was not even bleeding. Chukka he !

During my childhood, I have a black past. Taknaklah black, grey sudah.
Tapi, aku cuba lupakan yang tuu. Kisah lama, baik lupa, kan kan ?

Again, bukan gambar aku xD
That year, aku mula sayang adik aku, Hafiz.

Tau tak, dia selalu sambut birthday aku. Orang first wish tau !
Tatkala mereka tidur, dia wish aku sambil offer cake yang mak beli kat Kings. Blueberry cake. Kami menggemukkan diri di tengah malam yang indah, konon. 

Ever since that, aku jadi baik ngan dia.
Takdelah, selama ni, aku selalu mengejaminya. Tapi, dia baik gak ngan aku. Aku ingat nak rasuah aku ke apa , kan ? Then, tiap kali aku buat hal, aku tuduh dia. Aku time tuu, memang pakar propaganda. Expert sangat, haha :)

Well, adik, sekarang kita dah berbaik baik, kan ?
No hurts feeling :)

On 3th January, 2007, welcome to the hostel life, Anis.
First time dalam hidup aku, dipisahkan dari parents, family, materialistic, games & tandas rumah aku :')

School: SMK Seri Bintang Utara, Cheras, KL
Class: Solihin, 07 - 11
Hostel: Asrama Kompleks Seri Bintang

Do I need to inform you my dorm ? Ahah, tak payahlah .

My birthday celebrations in these 2 years, I celebrated at home. Always home, sweet homey. At hostel, so far, tak pernah lagi lah . Alaa, birthday aku kan time school holidays ==' Apalah. Mm , what else I can say bout these two years?

Oh, start aku masuk asrama, seingat aku laa, NO CAKES ! ;)
I was like, "WHY?!"
Tapi, nevermind. I almost forgot bout birthday cakes, haha :)

2009 Birthday Celebration is Celebration of Love.
Wea , wea ?

That year birthday celebration was my first time of birthday celebrations at outside my house. Means, I celebrated my birthday outside. YAY !

Aku tak tau sempena apa, tetiba mak aku,

"Akak, apakata kita sambut birthday akak kat luar ? Akak nak kat mana ?"

Aku macam, "ERR".
Tapi, takpe. Kelainan. Changes are good ;)

We celebrated it at Selayang Mall & had meals at KFC, Selayang Mall.
Sangat best ! Tapi, we didn't capture any photos. Time tuu, tak terfikir langsung. MM, hadiah aku time tuu ? 

My mom gave me, my loyal husband !
Mr Lappy ♥

This year, we celebrated at outside, again.

We celebrated at Times Square, KL. YAY!

1. Why TS ? 
- Ada bajuu, aku nak !

2. Why bajuu ?
- I need it, I am human who needs to wrap her body with clothes. Kau pun, kan ?

3. Why buying baju at TS ?
- more selections & cheaper, but not cheapest. 

4. How many you got as birthday presents from there ?
- 2 tops, 1 mini dress, 1 cardi, 1 heels, & 1 bag

5. What do you eat ?
Humans' blood. Bah , KFC !

6. Why KFC ?
- Dah , aku taknak jawab ! Enough =='

That day , aku jadi cam sangat bahagia.
Banyak baju aku nak, semua lawaa. Especially, heels & bag.
I really satisfied with it.

Total money we spent were not so high, because those stuff are cheap. 
I don't need birthday present that is so bloody hell expensive and it could be broken one day if I misuse it, such as: handphone, lappy, mp4, and so on.

Aku anak yang baik, aku tahu ;D
Oh, anyway, here some photos my sis took on that day:
Aku curi curi minum Pepsi.
I was supposed to not drink that. Tapi, as long as my mom didn't notice it, takpelah kut ;D


So, I think celebrate birthdays with family is the best thing ever happen to me.
Actually, to be able with family, together is a happiness. Haengbok ;)

Yes, I love them.
They are my birthday present that can't replace with . Thank you, Allah ;')
الحمد لله