
Saturday, January 1, 2011

2011 First Date


This year, I will face the most important exams, beside exams for taking car license; that is SPM ! Together with my bro, we will face together. He fights for PMR and I will be struggling with SPM. Scared ? No, I just can't wait the end of this SPM thing =='

So, are you have listed your resolutions for this year ? I didn't, because I use the last year. Every year, I will use the same resolutions, which are -

1. Beat'em, the champs !
2. Gain more money xD
3. Be a good Muslimah
4. Avoid from getting expelled or suspended
5. Be a good daughter 

Those are the missions that I never achieved before. Why?

1. Pemalas & cepat ppuas hati dgn result xD
2. Terlalu boros bila nmpak makanan 
3. Solat lambat je selalu.
Macamana lah nak amik anak dr schl, msti lmbt gak =='
4. Tak boleh kawal diri nak lggr peraturan TT^TT
5. Hee, insya-Allah saya mampu :)

So, before I achieve those past past & lame resolutions, I better get prepared myself mentally. Insya-Allah, jika aku mampu ubah diri, mesti aku boleh capai azam lapuk lapuk tuu :) Lagi satuu, azam tahun ni ada tambahan. Mmandangkan nak SPM tahun ni, saya pasanga niat nak dapat 11 A+ untuk SPM saya !

I will target A for my favourite subjects, whice are Add Maths & Syari'ah ;D
Wish me a very very goodluck, okay ?

Hopefully, this year, takdelah mnde yg mnyusahkan aku berlaku. Amin ~
Last year was a great year, this year I hope will be best ever for all of us. 
Lately, aku jarang online Facebook.
Macam biasa, bukak bukak banyak notifications bukan bukan =='
Aku tgk friends yang add pun ada gak. Wow, ini sungguh jarang berlaku, ye anak anak. Mungkin anda pelik, kenapa saya berkata demikian ?

Hal ini kerana, di laman web sosial ituu , saya tidaklah selalu bersosial di sana. Amat jarang, online & offline. That's all. I'm not intend to talk more in there, ngahhaahah xD Besides that, I rarely use internet now. Ntahlah, sebab bosan mungkin. Eceh =='

When I use internet, I used to 

1. Read doujinshi

2. Read manga

3. Watch drama

4. Download songs

That's all.
Dah kurang guna sangat sbb banyak spend time on Add Maths & Chemist, even though aku paling lemah dalam Physics. Sheesh =='

School's started.
Nervous? Yes, no doubt. Am I 100% prepared?

Yes, I think so =='