
Friday, January 14, 2011

Beban Bebal

Teachers, books, friends & school.

Among hearts above, I rather pick all of them.


Yeah, I'm gonna tell you why =='
School has started, on 3rd January of 2011. YAAAY ~!


Seriously, it is NO YAAY ! Nothing good from school, except for experiences & knowledges. Whenever school has started, it means I will get a tons of work dude ! I can't believe this. My senior year will be waste if I can't make those tons of work done. I must make them finish and delete from my sight. YES, DELETE DELETE !

Seriously, I just got tons of work, not including homework. Man, this is so headache. Belambakk gila meh ! It's not I want to complain and make lame excuses then those work will be finally abandoned by me, well that's not I'm gonna do it so. Don't think negatively, okay ? 

1. Files
You know, my files last year are gone missing from my sight ! Ever since I throw it away, right after final exams has ended ^^ But, seriously, this year, teachers want to use those last year files, but now, it lost nowhere to be found. Ya Allah , memang salah akulah kan, ==' And yeah, I have to remake those file, memeningkan kepala aku ni. 

2. Board
Every year, I have to be AJK Board and decorate club's board. Well, I've experiences in this, so takdelah kisah mana pun. Just stay cool & relax. Wait, the main problem is, materials for board decoration are bloody hell too many, man ! How do I have to make them find me here ? Just how ? Salah aku, design board tuu pelikk sangat TT^TT

3. JKP
I thought this year I will never be JKP again. Every year, I have the same thought and every year, that thought or I used to call it wish, never be come true.

As you wanna know, JKP is a unique name for hostel prefects in my hostel, AKSB. Why is has to be JKP? This is because JKP is a group of students who have to be help wardens and lead other students, also control their disciplines. Well, this job, NEVER EASY !

Oh, I have been JKP since I was in Form 2 ;D

2008: Setiausaha Biro Keceriaan
2009: Penolong Ketua Biro Keceriaan
2010: Ketua Biro Keceriaan
2011: Ketua Biro Spotcheck & SSDM

Gempak tak ? For 3 years, I was in Biro Keceriaan for that hostel and I did job brilliantly, no doubt. This year, I am Ketua Biro Spotcheck & SSDM. I never thought I will be in this Biro, because I really hates this Biro. This Biro really opposite of myself, means here, my attitude. Heh, let it be. So now, I need to make duties for my 'anak buah', make them a lot of duties & pressures. Padan muka ;D

4. Dorm
Keceriaan dorm, I trying to involve in it. For past years, I always making lame excuses, saying this and that, just for not involving myself in keceriaan dorm. Last time I did that when I was in Form 2, when it was in year 2008. Time tuu, semangat gilah !

Okay, dgn azam nak berubah, aku berjaya tetapkan pndirian aku dgn nak banyak buat kerja amal. So now, what am I trying is, I try to add more loads on my shoulder. I'm using bahasa kiasan, get it ?

5. Oral
Oral paling aku suka, time Form 3. My successful Oral, yeah ! ;)
So, this year, I want this year oral to be like my oral when I was in Form 3. You can do it, guys ! We will talk bout stress, I think that's too find because I already stress right now. Dengan HWnya, mak aiih, sabar sabar =='

6. Homework
Tons of HW, of course. Especially, notes. I hate doing notes, because that is just wasting my time. Writing something that we don't even read it after that. Believe me, please.

Reasons for not doing HW:
- Teachers will not read it, just tick it right. Maybe some of them, did it.
- Students never read it after they did those notes. Except for those who make notes for them not for homework or teachers, like me.
- Students can't make notes the way they want.
- That note just for satisfy teachers' taste.
 - Even my teacher said that note as HW is useless to do it, because she knew that her students never read it again. Sorry, I can't recall this teacher's name ;D

So, are my reasons for not doing notes as HW reasonable ? In opinion, I think they are not :D

7. Buy stuffs
Loads of stuffs I need to buy and stay by my side :(
On second thought, I just thinks I should not buy it, but those stuffs are really compulsory, man ! I need it. If I don't have them, might be dead by next Monday because too scared of teachers' howling. Ngiahhah ;D

As if, I want to let them be. Let responsibilities away, I thought.
Oh, shit ! Apa aku buat ni =='

I hope, I can finish my work on time. I don't want to rush doing that. That style is just for hardcore loser. Menggelabah buat kerja, then blaming others when her work is incomplete. Bodoh punya orang ! Okay, step this out, will you, Chen ?

 This year is anew year.
I have to change myself, worst to better. 

Oh yeah !
Time to work, guys ! ;)