
Friday, March 11, 2011

A Storyline.

Guys , it is MARCH already.

Well, SPM is getting nearer. Do I need to explain what is SPM ?

SPM is Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia. It is the most important exam which is every students in Malaysia, whether they are totally rich or not, must take this exam. Yeah, no matter what happens. Even if the flood happens, you have to take it ! You don't like it, well, that's your big deal. Not me =='

Oh, totally forgot. Greeting guys !
I have been so rude, for not greet anyone who read this. Sorry, chonmal mianhae :)

Okay, now, this is the first post on March. So, what do I need to talk on?
Shyeah, I have A LOT LOTTA LOTTA things to share yeah !

Let's start with 2nd March, because number 2 is the first number in prime numbers.
Right ?

2nd March.
Intervention has finished. It's OVER, at last. 
Last subject I took on that day was KKQ ( Qur'an Skills Class/Kelas Kemahiran Al-Qur'an).

Also, on that day, there was a workshop, named MGRC Wet Lab Workshop held at our school. They told us about DNA things, Bioinformatics, and sorta sorta else. And my friends and I were selected by our Biology teacher to involve ourself in one experiment, related to extraction of DNA, printing DNA and sorta sorta. 

(click click it to their website:

Be a scientist, just for a half of a day is really killing me. I mean, that day was so devastating ! LOVEE IT !

3rd March.
Walking of The Dead? NO!
It is 'perarakan' for our school event, 'Maulidur Rasul'. Actually, we, the Muslim students, need to walk for a quite long distance. But, it's okay, as long it is for our beloved prophet, Nabi Muhammad S.A.W. Oh yeah, this is a nasheed for him. As we walking,  at the same time, we need to nasheed too. Yeah, I like this :)

Above, the nasheed song that we supposed to nasheed on that day.

Unfortunately, all above things up there never happen, because the weather on that day, never be good. The ground was so wet, because or the rain, of course ==' Well, alhamdulillah, the event of Maulidur Rasul, went well. 

4th March.
This time is the true version of Walking of The Dead ! xD 
Seriously, on this date, there was a marathon held. And I, err...

Aku lari, tapi masuk Under 15, even though actually, I was supposed to be in Under 18. So, main masuk je laa, sebab no one perasan pun. Plus plus, aku lari bukan menang pun. Yang lawaknya, those who Under 15, dorang salah arah, belok kat tempat lain. As the result, they only get 2 checkpoint cards. Padan muka ! As for me, hari ituu, just menambahkan dosa je, sbb tipu org je kje ==' Well, humans, can't run from lying others.

Then, dah penat penat lari, run away together with Lily, akhirnya kami orang 2nd last sampai, for Under 15, which is not exactly we both should be involve in. Memang lawaklah. Sebab semua orang lari, semangat separuh mati, ktorang chill je. Smpai org yg drive pun sebok nak marah ktorang, "Apalah...larilah adik!" I was like, "Mabuk apa? Kau ingat tulang kitorang ni titanium-gold?" Okay, fine, tutup cerita . Malas nak meleret =='

Then, after marathon, there was a camp for Muslims (Khemah Ibadah), held at our school mosque (I guess) and hostel. This camp was held untill tomorrow, 5th March. So, let's proceed to 5th March.

5th March.
Ce cite , ce cite !
Haha , banyak benda kelakar wehh ==' Nvm lah kan.

Kem Ibadah Tingkatan 3 & 5 2011
4-5 Mac, 2011
SMK Seri Bintang Utara

Banyak sangat bnd brlaku, so I couldn't recall'em much as I remember. And yeah, kalau rajin, I will scan the tentative of the camp and show my group logo. Talkabout my group, meh sini nak cerita :) On that day, kami berbilangan manusia disatukan melalui nilai mata wang yang sama, yang sama-sama kami ad time tuu. We were unted by 10 cents, unik tak? I know, it is. Then, our group name was Mujahidah, means the Muslimah Fighters. Ecehceh, sounds really encouraging. Well, it is, okay :) Then, the consultants were from this group, known as I.P.Minda.

Memang besta betul, the way they perform themselves in front of us.
And the activities and motivations, really fascinating and too soon the slots ended. Finally, we ended up with crying, because the consultants was talked bout parents. Saya sangat sensitif, when it comes to parents :') So, you must love your parents always, even though you find yourself too difficult to care bout them. Love them, please :)

After the camp had finished brilliantly, we went back home safely. Alhamdulillah ~

7-9th March.
I got all exam papers and all of them were sucks, like always.
I should be thankful because non of them was failed. Alhamdulillah !

Still, I'm feel so despair and down, down, down, down to the Earth. Well, it's doesn't matter because all I need to do is fighting for next challenge, which is Dianogstic Exams (Mid-year Exams)! Gila ah ! =='

Pray for me :)

9th March
I've finished my read on this English novel, entitled, Airhead, written by Meg Cabot.
This one, is so interesting. Frankly speaking, I hate reading books, because it is so tiring and kinda bored when we just look the letters while trying to understand what does those every letters mean. Well, I'm not a bookworm or the one who loves reading. But, this books, its plot, makes me want to keep reading more & more. And I couldn't stop myself from not reading that book. Congrats, I've changed ! Chukka he ! :) 

Air head - Meg Cabot

This story, is all about...

Emerson Watts is a video-game-playing tomboy, a loner at a school full of those she and her best friend, Christopher, have dubbed the Walking Dead. Christopher seems to be Em’s only friend, but she likes it that way, for the most part; she just secretly wishes that perhaps he could be something more than a friend.
What seems like an annoying but relatively routine trip to the opening of a new Stark Megastore in her neighborhood, an event at which Christopher and Em are chaperoning Em’s annoying little sister, turns out to be far more important in Em’s life than anyone could have predicted. In fact, it changes her entire existence !
Wait ! There is a second series for this book.
Being Nikki - Meg Cabot
I'm looking forward to buy this ! Hopefully, I find this book & get to read this. OMO, so exciting ! ^^

10th March.
I heard bout the tsunami and earthquake at Japan, just then. It was so terrible, till I get myself so speechless, like my tongue is numb for awhile. Well, again, it's WAY TO HORRIBLE. Wait, you get to see this !

Well, how was it?
Teruk sangat kan ? Kuasa Allah, inilah dia. Subhanallah ~
Sangat hebat kuasanya. Apabila Dia mahu musnahkan sesuatu, dia akan buat. 

Surah Yaasin (Al-Qur'an) - Ayat 82

 It means here, "Verily, His Command, when He intends a thing, is only that He says to it, "Be!" and it is!" . 

Oh yeah, one more thing !
I have created a song, technically a lyric for a song. Actually, it is not completed yet, because there's no tune or music for the song ==' I will find it soon, maybe by playing with my guitar, again. You know, one of my guitar strings has gone missing. So, how to play that anymore ? Aduuuh ! =='
Okay, it's time to have a real real fun ! Good Night !

Okay, that's all I think.
Next post will be about plans for my holidays ==' Just too much for me !

Oh , before I end , lemme give you a MV