
Friday, April 15, 2011

Here I Am ! Ba-Ba-Baby :)

Something with extra large in size will probably make your eyes stick to see that thing.
It will always means bravery and honest. Well, honesty is the best ever policy.

Assalamualaikum & Greetings :)

This April is fucking awful, because everything around me just not okay.
Maybe it always me is not okay. But come on, why it has to be like this ? It has to be tests from Allah, or maybe 'reward' from Him, due to my sins. Nan molla, only He knows everything and me, just get over everything and make sure I could accept this fate! 

S H Y E A H !


I was participated in this competition, known as Folio Kerjaya. It was under government. Okay, right now... 

changing language English - Bahasa Malaysia

Aku masuk competition ni, and yeah I was really into it. Batak sangat nak menang. Then, aku, eh KAMI berusaha bersungguh-sungguh bagai nak tercabut kuku paling hujung jari kaki aku ni haa, bekerja punya pasal. Aku bengang sebab no cooperation. Aan, not you! *sobbing*

Agaklah, memang pun.

Okay, big deal. Benda dah lepas, aku ungkit pun, masa bukan boleh patah balik sampai Mac lepas. Tak boleh kan ? Aku nak bagitau pun, tuu pun kena sembur balik. Btw, jangan mudah melenting bila orang cakap benda betul pasal salah kau eh, buka hati untuk terima atau fikir dulu memang salah kau ke tak, kalau tak, spill the truth out form your heart, okay ? Salah aku ? Yelaah , salah aku. Thank you, for making me feel in that way. Gumawo :)

Well, Folio kami okay, but spoiled when it comes to presentation. But it's okay, I guess. Next year, junior will be okay, they will be do better than us. To my FK members, I'm sorry. It's not that I wanna humiliate you all here, it's just because. No more than that. Thanks for helping Folio too.

Here's some piccas show that us working really die hard !
Bersusah payah menyakitkan pinggang yang cun lagi menarik, semata-mata untuk menyiapkan folio ini. I was bout to cry out loud, tahu tak ?

To those who know what am I talking bout, will you please shut the fuck up ?
Thank you, for your cooperation and courtesy towards me :)


What happens on picture up there?
Guess what, last Thursday night was the last night students and teachers from Riau, Indonesia, spent time with us, AKSB-ians. It was a great night.

I was supposed to be involve in handling the night, but I didn't. Reason ?
No reason, just because.

It was a great night. Have a great spend time with some pics with captions down here !
The stage was great and awesome, maybe it was because the light from the crafted things up there. But I like the stage, except for the banner. Looks like a spoiler up there =='

 Every event, must have SILAT. I like this silat things, and sorta stuff which have same elements as this one. Not so long time ago, I was into this silat thing, quite fascinating, I like. Unfortunately, something unlikely happened to me. Nevermind, this is fate, I has to redha, life goes on right ? 

Oh, cerita pasal silat ni, aku ada minat seorang insan ni, dia bersilat gak. Well, jangan risau, dia lelaki, aku tak songsang pun ==' Dia baik, I'm looking forward to see him again, next week. HOHO, I called him 'Budak Gedegang'. G E D E G A N G G !

 Kenapa aku tak pandang sini ? Sebab Alisya Jan kat sana ! Cheers :)

My favorite girl, all the time.
Nah, she's my friend since Form One. Kelakar killer, aku suka dia ! 


After 14th April, I want to pay back all my debts. Teachers, wait for me. I keep my words for such long periods, so let's just spill the words now. 

I started finishing my undone Syari'ah and luckily, it's done but still incomplete yet. Now, weekends, I will try to lock myself from not going out anywhere, just for finishing my 'little' tasks, which are:

Experiment Reports - Chemistry
Extremely-Never-Completed-Exercises - Add Maths
Extremely-Never-Touched-Notes - Biology

So, there are still a lot of them: words and digits. Well, I have to pay for that :')
I will start studying and struggling now, because Diagnostic is around the corner, actually it is on 5th May, early on MAY ! Ya ALLAH ! I have not prepared myself yet ! Otokhae ? =='

I'm thinking to buy presents for the following people below here:

Sakinah - great buddy
Khaty - cannot miss giving her birthday gift
Shu - apologize gift ;D
Aan - good girl
Aziemah - sacrifice a lot :')
Fariz - Aku ada bagi ke before this ? Tak ingatlah =='
Aminah - good listener & bebel-er ! :D

Thanks guys, for being my friends. Btw, hadiah, tunggulah okay.

Thinking of you is not enough :)
I will be test again, testing with my feelings towards a guy I like. Aiya, taknak jadi macam dulu dulu lagi, jatuh kecundang. OHHH ~

So, I stop here. Wassalam :)

P/S: Lastly, enjoy this MV, from ZE:A ! Cheers :)

Also, a song from BigBang: