
Friday, April 29, 2011

Sharing, So What ?

When it comes to something that I can't barely accept it, as if I supposed to not accept it or approve it as a true statement, I easily fed up with all of that things =='

- G Dragon in Stupid Liar

Yes, bla bla bla. Anything yang kita suka ke apa, mesti ada benda lain yang akan forbid kita drpd keep on sukakan benda tuu. Alaa, you know, duhh, it's hard to explain when it comes to emotional issues like this. Okay, I give some examples:

A suka tengok B, sebab maybe cute ke, sedap mata tengok. Tapi B ni kata A ni somekind stalker laa pulak. Padahal, ada A kesah or batak sangat ke kat B ? Takkan ? Pahal over ?

C ni, dah tau ada muka hensem, of course ramai makcik terhegeh-hegeh gi kat dia ==' Then nak tau apa C kata, "Nanti ada stalker usha, sebab tuu private-kan semua kat FB..." 
*OMG, kalau kau kt dpn mata aku, dah lama tangan aku melayang kat pipi putih kau tuu !

Contoh lain tuu, korang interpret sendiri dalam otak, eh ?

Minggu ni, aku ada gak belajar pasal otak, nervous system and sorta sortaa. Well, it helps a lot, sebab dari situu kita tahu Allah maha bijaksana, maha berkuasa, maha mengetahui - sebab Allah telah mencipta kita dengan sempurna kan kan ? Ciptaan dia sangat cantik. Walaupun adanya OKU, they aren't really OKUs actually. They are beautiful, because they are made by our creator, our god, Allah Subhanahu Wa Taala. Subhanallah !

Okay, actually kita dah lari topik . Nah, tengok ni. 
Video-Sharing !

X-5 - Don't Put On An Act

X-5, boy-band baru dr South Korea. Dorang debut bulan lepas, setahu aku. (April belum habis lagi kan kan ?) Lagu dorang yang lain: Fantasy, Xenox. Okay tak kesahlah pasal tuu. Aku suka lagu ni, bagi aku, dorang bagus gak. Bolehlah tahan. Cuma lagu Fantasy tuu, cam apa je, tak berminat aku. Okay, support them. Fighting, X-5 !


Guess where I got all Korean cute girls photos ? From this tumblr: }
Okay, I don't mind if the owner says so, those photos aren't her/his. So, I'm just sharing here, don't be too mad. Okay ? Chill meh :)

f(x) - Pinocchio (Danger)

Aku dah lama tunggu comeback dorang. Ever since, Amber gi USA, tak balik balik bape bulan ntah. Well, biarlah, ada kaitan dengan aku ke ? Takkan.

Btw, mmg ada byk kritik on this MV. Well, bagi mereka yang kritik tuu, diam sikit boleh tak? I think they did a good job, okay ? So back off. Oh pasal lagu lagu kat album dorang tuu, actually, in my opinion, lagu-lagu dalam album dorang tak best sangat. So, that's why. Mmg patut orang kritik lagu dalam album dorang. Maybe, tak okay sangat kut. Tak kesahlah. 

Oh, btw, nak tau tak ?
Ada dalam album dorang, satu lagu entitled 'Lollipop', dorang nyanyi dengat SHINee. HEE !
Nak try dengar ? Aku pun belum dengar lagi ni =='

Okay, bila korang rajin nak tau sedikit rumours/conflicts yang berkait dengan lagu ni, rajin kan diri tengok vid ni kat youtube. Arasseo ?

Girl Generation (SNSD) - Mr Taxi

Sorry, Koreans. Lagu ini dalam Japanese :)
Quite good, aku suka. Actually lagu ni keluar right after Run Devil Run - Japanese version keluar. Dah tengok ke belum ? Belum ? Tengoklah =='

BigBang - Tonight
Before you guys watch the vids, I'm here gonna prove you, there are two versions of the MV of this song. Believe me. If you not, then I'll say:

So what ? So what ? 
- Seungri in Tonight

Let's check'em out ! ;D

See the differences ? I know, you saw them ! HAAH !

Nak share lagi, tapi masa dah buat muka botox ni. Ecehh cehh, metafora terlebih dos garam ! Btw, on next post, kalau rajin, aku post lagi. Tapi, aku lagi berminat nak cerita pasal satu kaum ni. Based on what I read from Tafsir Alqur'an.

Oh guys !

Right ! I'm away to school for an event, which I don't want to be there on that day, but uhh, because of the money that I will get, I think I should. Yes, if you are me, you must think you should go for money, right ? Okay, let it be.

Then, I'll fly away to Book Fair at PWTC for free bags and goodies, with my lil bro, Hafiz. Hopefully, I still get penny for tomorrow. UHHHH !