
Friday, July 8, 2011

Joonie & Yu Li Yu !

Oh, guys. Hi.

I, uhh, wanna re-update for June post first. May I ?
Thank you.

There were nothing much happen in June.
No, there were A LOT THINGS HAPPEN to me !
I will post a special post about a tragedy of June :'(

Lemme recall what things I did on June.
Nothing much. Nothing much. Nothing much...

Oh, sure because the tragedy...
I'm still in sorrow and sadness and despair and a lil bit depressed.

On 28th June - Tuesday, I had participated in an exam for a competition.
Aku, Farhana, Aan, Shaf, Atif & Qis amik ujian pemilihan wakil WP Kuala Lumpur untuk  Pertandingan-pertandingan di Majlis Ihtifal yang dianjurkan oleh pihak Kementerian. I have not prepared myself properly but I was completely ready and confident to do the exam on that day. Oh, semua dapat tempat, I think we all in highest ranking among other schools who together compete with us. However, penat lelah lawan pun, there were no champion prizes or the first and second runner-up. Ah, nevermind, asalkan kami terpilih. 

"Cakap apa, Anis ?"
- Hafiz

Tau, cakap Alhamdulillah, tanda syukur kita kepada Tuhan kita, iaitu Allah yang Maha Esa & Berkuasa atas tiap-tiap sesuatu di dunia ini. So, kami semua dapat ke peringkat kebangsaan mewakili KL, bersama wakil KL yang lain yang dari sekolah yang berlainan: SMAWP, SMAKL & SMK Raja Ali. So, good luck guys ! Let's fighting for each of us !

Kami akan bertanding sepanjang kami berada di Kedah, dari 18 Julai (Isnin) hinggalah 21 Julai (Khamis). Saya mengambil bahagian dalam Pertandingan Kuiz Arab (Menengah Atas) bersama-sama dengan Farhanah & seorang lagi wakil dari SMAWP Kajang. So, wish us good luck ! And yeah, aku rasa ini petunjuk daripada Allah S.W.T kepada aku, supaya aku dapat menanamkan perasaan suka & minat & cinta akan bahasa Al-Qur'an yang indah ini, iaitu Bahasa Arab :) Alhamdulillah ~ !

On 29 June - Wednesday, there was a Co-Curriculum Mini Carnival held in SMKSBU. Overall, I was quite satisfied. Because that was my first time attended the carnival and sold goodies to people. I joined the Museum & History Club. We sold many things, not so, frankly speaking, just 6 menus of food. Well, I realized that business is difficult thing to do, if people don't have a required and essential skills and knowledge about it. So, I didn't know how to promote, sell, communicate with costumers, well it was a really hella big deals to me at that time. 

At first, our stall just had a quite few costumers and I started to BOOM-KABOOMED around. Aku ni suka mengarah orang je, buat tak reti. Tapi, tolonglah suruh aku kira duit ke, buat decisions ke apa, aku memang pro killer dalam tu :)

So, at last, we did it, we sold all of them. Ahah, of course samapai ke tahap desperate nak turunkan harga. The profit we got, just uhh, malu nak share dengan member lain, yang juga jaga kedai lain time tuu. Dorang above RM 550.00 ! Tau tak, spe yang paling kaya kedai dia time tuu ? Kedai Kelab Seni & Kraf Tangan ! They got over RM 2000.00 !
Congrats guys ! 

On 1 July, Friday - there was a day we called it Students' Academic Report Card Day. No students would love this day because that day is the day that they parents will nag them over and over, unstoppable. Yeah, bear with it ! As for me, I don't have any feeling for this day, but I really feel something when friends kept saying crept about this day, I just don't get it. Sorry. 

For this Diagnostic, I got third place in my class, and thirty-eighth in overall From 5 students. I'm a normal students who have normal brain to use for thinking wisely and otherwise. So, you can say mine is quite balance. Yes, It's okay and I'm kinda proud of it. I just got few As in my exam, and proud to say, my Chemistry was A ! YAAAY !! 

And worst and first time in my life, I got E for Biology =='
Hilarious, I know.

However, I have an excuse for that. You know.

On 2 July - Saturday, it was my lovely sister's birthday: Adibah Rosli !

She is the craziest sister ever exist in my life !
She is the most beautiful sister ever exist in my life !

She is the most dumb dumb sister I ever had !
She is the greatest sister I ever had !

Even though I admit, she is quite irritating & annoying, but she the best sister and good in handling jokes & acts. Yeah, sure, she's awesomely awesome ! She helps me in everything, and when I ask she will answer it but not so properly and correct as you expected. Thank you for being my great sister & non-stop nagging at me :)

Thank you !
Saengil Chukka Hamnida & Chongmal Kamsahamnida ~ !

Below are photo of us together:
Eid-Fitr Day - 2010
Family Outing - 2010
Family Outing - 2010
I always have a great time with you :D
Happy Birthday to Che Nadiah Che Aris, Anith's Dad - Encik Mislan & Nur Mahirah Fuzi.
Guys, all are great people :) 

On the same day, all schools in Malaysia (I think) including primary schools, kindergartens, and also pre-Us, had to run for Larian 1 Murid 1 Sukan 1 Malaysia. We started the running by the time 9.30 a.m. if I not mistaken. As usual, a person who have backbone problems even after the surgery, I was not participating the running. Just making me present in front of homeroom teacher, it is enough already and Green got marks because I was present in school for the larian. 

The running was a bit crowded because one road filled with kids from 4 different schools and each of the school had many students presented. And I, uhh, barely to breathe in breathe out. Well, the distance was not too far or too long. It was quite short compared to the route we had to through during Merentas Desa Day.

The event ended with Sukaneka between Rumah Sukan. Oh, I felt sorry for Shirtliff because of their members were not supporting for their leader, yet they didn't even cheer for Shirtliff. Luckily, I'm Green member & cheer-out-loud for them ! YEAH GREEN ! Our School Sports Day will be held on Saturday, 23 July. So, you're so welcome to our school on that day ! :)

This week, we spent our time to pecut pecut pecut for the syllabus of the subjects which are incomplete yet. So, it is not because we too slow in finishing syllabus, it is just we are active in academic & co-curriculum. And there were a lot of fun activities those strengthen our spirit to study more more more. So, is there any problem with us ?

4/7 Monday - Pecut Chemistry (Thermochemistry)
5/7 Tuesday -  Motivation Programs by RON100
6/7 Wednesday - Lisan Pend Qur'an & Sunnah
7/7 Thursday - Pecut Bahasa (Dirgahayu Bahasaku) & Lisan KKQ
8/7 Friday - Skor A+ Sejarah by Mr Mahendran (MTD)

Next week: Pecut Mathematics & Pend. Qur'an & Sunnah.

Jangan risau, saya sudah mehassabah ini diri, bagi sedar sikit. Dengan situasi hidup aku macam ni, nak berseronok sakan memang jauh belaka lah kan. Lagi pun, memang tak layak untuk aku berleka walaupun sebentar di dunia ini, sebab sebagai hamba kepada Allah Maha Pencipta, tugas kita di sini untuk sentiasa mengingati & mendekatkan diri kita kepada-Nya. Macam susah tapi sebenarnya senang. Percayalah, orang yang bersusah-susah dahulu, akan memperoleh kesenangan & nikmat berganda-ganda di hari kemudian. 

Memang ayat aku tunggang langgang, perangai aku pun apa je, tapi tak salah kalau nasihat yang baik sebaik-baiknya diterima & amalkan terus. Perlukah kita pertikaikan orang yang memberi amaran itu? 

"Kita tak sepatutnya tengok siapa yang memberi nasihat dan teguran, kita sepatutnya dengar & hayati isi-isi nasihat & teguran orang itu..."
- Shera G

So, I end up this post with suggesting video to watch:

Block B - Go & Tell Them

Wassalamuallaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh ! 

P/S: Please folks & adults, stop the fight ! What are trying to do is just weakening the nation and making life more difficult. You just think of yourself, just full of yourself. Please think of others in all aspects. Use your brain lah !