
Thursday, May 3, 2012

Ms. May

Assalamualaikum & Greetings ♥
Ohho, it has been awhile, yo! Blergh---
Hi, Miss May ♥ Do please treat me kindly (:
Okay, today is already in May of 2012.

Masa sangat cepat berlalu & pergi oh begitu sahaja, kan kan ?! Bila tengok kalendar hari ketujuh dalam seminggu tuu kan,... 

rasa macam nak nangis berlutut berdarah pink and of course, Idk why I supposed to cry because now I'm not a high school student anymore...YAAAY !! *troll face* What the fuck?!

Hey, Malaysians out there. Have you heard bout Bersih 3.0 on 28th of April, 2012 ?! Of course you have.
So, here's a message for all Malaysians:
We live together for decades happily and peacefully ♥ Why not we together protect this everlasting peaceful multicultural country for forever? Don't you want living together without wars, full of hatred & wrath, envious & jealousy, foolishness & stupidity? Please, think wisely (: Btw, I do love you all 

Miss May! Please take care of me for this month, and tell all your beloved buddies to take care of me for the rest months. You welcome me with cold hand, Idk why but ready to redha (':

I'm sick, this is my serious frustration and now I'm in despair. 
Above, look! Do I look care bout those above? Hell no.
So that's why I'm sick from Idk when untill today. 

Aku makan tak ikut waktu, and sometimes aku taktau apa aku makan. Well, implikasinya, berat badan berkurangan. Frankly speaking, up and down. Tapi, obviously, dah lain kalau concern kau boleh nampak lah aku kurus. Mehhe ><

Aku ingat dulu zaman skema aku time Form 3, time PMR.
Bawa air ECPI botol besar killer, and then teguk air setengah botol besar tuu macam badak, tuu lah sebab aku dapat perut gendut macam badak sumatera. Mehhe >< Now, what had happened? Nothing, really. Now, I don't drink that much, and boleh kira berapa kali aku minum. 

I have problem with my sleep time.
I always sleep late and wake up late. Balance, kan kan ?! Not really.

Apa akan jadi bila anda tidur lambat & bangun lambat ? 
  • Tidur & bangun lambat, hukumnya Makruh. Kenapa? Sebab dikhuatiri anda akan sama ada lambatkan waktu Subuh atau langsung tak Subuh. Pondan ="=
  • Tidur lambat mengakibatkan mata kau jadi macam mata panda ♥ Kalau terjadi pun, panda tetap lagi comel berbanding dengan kau, walaupun kau kacak atau cantik mana pun. Hal ini telah dikaji oleh Saintis Anis Wu.
  • Tidur & bangun lambat mampu membuatkan otak kau bergerak lagi lambat daripada siput babi, dan mampu membuatkan korang cepat lupa, lagi lagi ilmu yang kau belajar sepanjang kau hidup di muka bumi ini, ibarat macam makan satu balang kuih raya semut hitam & kerengga.
  • Tidur & bangun lambat mengakibatkan kesihatan & pemakanan seharian kau terjejas. Jadi, jangan buat. Kalau nak, sila jadi macam saya 
  • Tidur & bangun lambat = hibernasi yang mengalahkan hibernasi berdekad beruang kutub Utara. Hal ini mengakibatkan kau menjadi seorang pemalas. Abang kawan aku pernah cakap, "Kalau malas, jangan hidup." So, nak hidup? Jangan malas (:

  • Tidur & bangun lambat akan memberi kesan yang kau tak terfikir yang tuu kesannya. Okay, fine. Kesannya, kau dah hilang kemampuan untuk bezakan realiti & mimpi, dan kemungkinan tak mampu nak terima kenyataan. Sebab dah stuck dalam alam mimpi lama sangat, kan ?

Enough, cukup cukup lah ni kan. Mehhe ><
Conclusively, don't sleep late, wake up early and be energetic & positive always (;

Sometimes, I need this quote above to become stronger.
You know, earthlings today have been so materialistic. The way they give opinions, talks, hold things around, walk and react on everything, so materialistic and in their head: WORLD. So, as you know, fashion also including in this word: WORLD.
First impression and judge, they will look your head to toe, means here, whatever you wear on that moment. If you wear something nice and suit you and place you're at on that moment, so that's fine and no problem. However, if not, you will face something like these: either being bahan mengumpat mengata mengutuk menghina or being isolated and discriminated. What the fuck ?! Yes, this is the world you just stepped in. So, welcome ?

But hey, don't worry! If you have strong & bold personality & confidence and most important, if you have high self-esteem, self-confidence and self-obsessive, you can survive with whatever you wear & whatever you do & say in your daily life. 
So, as long as you always smiling no matter how hurts are you at that time, just smile (: Smile & laugh are the best painkiller 

Even this bad ass mafia from EXO Planet, finally smiling (: So, why not you too smile now? I order you to smile, SMIILE !

Oh okay, actually those above are RANDOM. I love random and mix everything together.
All the awesomeness above, thanks to this amazing school lass, CHIBIRD

Wassalamualaikum (: