
Friday, May 4, 2012

Okay POP

Assalamualaikum & Greetings (:
Oh hai hai hai, earthlings who ever drop by here & reading my blog or taking linked photos without leaving any trace. So, my name is Anisse Wu. But, wait. Spell it right: Anis Wu.
"Mak cik, saya nak K-Pop lekor satu bungkus tambah sos tiram."
Nak cerita apa hari ini? Okay POP!

So hey, I'm still wondering why people these days minat K-Pop ?

As you all know, K-Pop means Korean Pop, which refers to Korean songs with genre Pop, Pop Rock, and Electronic Pop. But now, this K-Pop has turned to Hallyu wave which means Korean Wave. So what on earth crust this Hallyu Wave means? Mollagaesseo~ Oh wait, according to this Uncle Wiki, Hallyu Wave means:
The Korean Wave,[1] (Hangul한류Hanja韓流RRHallyu) refers to the spread of South Korean culture around the world. 
Tapi sekarang, bukan tuu aku nak cakap.
Persoalannya, why these days earthlings do love K-Pop? Okay, maybe some of them, not all. Okay, fine. Tanya aku je lah, as now the one who writing this post also loves K-Pop too. Well,

Anis-ssi, why do you love K-Pop? 

1. The dance.

Okay, this is my first K-Pop boy band that successfully absorbed in my mind and through my so-called transparent heart. SO BEAST! [B2ST - Shock]

Observe their dance, every steps they made, you know I have one word to describe: FLAWLESS = PERFECT. Ada Max 24/7 macam ni ? No offense, but hey Max 24/7 good luck, and all the best, wishing you guys can dance like them flawlessly.

2. The lyric.

Before this, I love J-Pop & J-Rock songs, even anime OST songs. Just gimme here, I would listen them peacefully and with pleasure. But now, most songs that occupied my playlist is K-Pop songs and no longer J-Rock songs, okay fine, some are J-Rock songs, betul tak tipu.

Read the lyric carefully, you know sounds lovely right ? 
Aku nak suami aku lamar aku nyanyi lagu ini [Infinite - Be Mine]. Sebab? Okay, sebabnya lagu ini ibarat menjanjikan meyakinkan aku untuk dia menjaga & cinta sayang aku selamanya~ Blergh, sorry jiwang versi sepet pulak aku ni. Tak suka? Lantak kau.

Tapi kan, some K-Pop songs takde lah memberi kesan sangat, lagi lagi lirik dia.
Kadang-kadang lagu dia macam dengar sedap & tangkap muat muat dengan sound beats je, so sebab tuu lah. 

And FYI, most J-Pop Rock songs, lyrics dia memang sastera tahap Infinity lah, berbunga berkias takes longer time to understand the whole songs. Kadang-kadang, first rangkap cakap pasal pokok gunung & lautan, next cakap pasal manusia & kucing, finally korang pening sebab tak faham maksudnya. Bagi yang tak setuju, korang dah faham lettuw. Ini just opinion from those who never understand Japan songs and FYI again, actually aku faham. Share bersahaja, mehhe >< 

3. The sound beats.

Okay, what's up? 
This one isn't the best recommendation & suggestion for you, referring to the best sounds or music ever. Super Junior, tak kenal ?! Wallawae, duduk dalam tempurung lama sangat ni, yang Sorry, Sorry tuu lah. 

Enough. Guys, tahu tak kenapa orang suka Super Junior's Sorry Sorry?
As for me, takes time nak suka. Serious. Scrolling down for my impressions on Super Junior's Sorry Sorry:

  • First impression: WTF ?! Ghappo nya gay gay menggedik dok goyang sana tonggek sini ?! Terkejut mak.
  • Second impression: Sorry sorry sorry naked naked naked macho naked naked naked Pak Jol Pak Jol Pak Jol Boyot Babeyh~!
  • Third impression: Smart wallawae MV dorang, aku suka tengok dorang menari flawless bebeno. Lagu pun, boleh Sorry Sorry lah, I loooike~
  • Fourth impression: Eh, aku nak lagu Super Junior's Sorry Sorry, tolong pasangkan. Tapi aku peninglah ramai ramai dalam ni, macam semut hitam atas meja makan.
  • Fifth impression: Oh, Sorry Sorry. Aku dah hafal weh, muka & nama je lah. Lirik lagu tuu dua perkataan je: Sorry dan sorry. Ha! Aku suka Heechul, sebab dia Heesica :3
  • Sixth impression: Aku dah hafal chorus!  Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry, Naega naega naega meonjeo, Nege nege nege ppajyeo, Ppajyeo ppajyeo beoryeo baby. Hah kau, nampak sangat copy-paste.
Mehhe >< No offense guys.
Sekarang aku tak racism or discrimination on those who are K-Pop fans, not because I am K-Pop fan too. 

To E.L.F.:
I'm sorry if being rude or way too far. But hey, I was an E.L.F., before I started following MBLAQ and being a forever A+. I'm still supporting Super Junior, E.L.F. & other SME Artists. No offense, don't take everything I said here seriously. Past is just memories, whether it was bitter or sweet, just swallow'em all & stop complaining. Peace no fan war (:

4. Celebrities' attitudes & personalities

This is MBLAQ, my all-time favorite South Korean boy band, because they have Cheon Dung. Mehhe >< Siapa tak suka orang yang memiliki personaliti & perangai yang elok kan kan ? Well, aku suka Shila Amzah. She has sweet personality, I looooike (:

Mesti ada yang nak tanya: mana lah korang tau dorang tu baik ke tak? Mana tau dorang tuu, dalam TV macam baik, padahal macam what the fish. Nak aku jawab?

Apa perasaan korang bila 24/7 kena follow dengan cameramen and staffs were everywhere tailing you around and filming and recording every moves you make, to show to your fans, audiences and people on this earth crust ? Frustrated & stressed kan ? So bila jadi macam tuu, ada korang nak dok berkepit kaki bajet control ayu, control macho handsome gagah perkasa bagai ? I tell you now, you all going to fade up and act naturally and be yourselves sepanjang shooting film tuu. Sama lah macam dorang, tak mampu & berupaya nak cover cover dah, kalau nangis no NG cuts meh, nangis habis make-up luntur. Hah, nampak rupa sepet dorang. So, how ? Still now believing, it's up to you.

Aku suka what. I recommend you to watch Korean variety shows. As for boys, try tengok Running Man on SOne Channel CH 393, Astro Beyond HD, or tengok lah mana mana.

5. The voices.

Have you ever heard of Tohoshinki or DBSK or TVXQ or HoMin or JYJ ? 
They are Hallyu Wave legends, besides Shinhwa, BoA, and so on. This DBSK, bila nyanyi live, dorang nyanyi betul betul. No NG cuts, no edit, no machine sounds, and 100% no fake sounds. 

In that video, they were singing Bolero, one of their Japanese song.
First time aku dengar, bulu roma kat tangan diri tegak, macam kena kesan electrostatic from TV. Betul, tak tipu. Dah lah nyanyi dengan condition yang selekeh, muka terserlah kepenatan yang nyata, but still suara dorang terbaik wokkk ~! I recommend them for you all, listening them. Tapi ada options lain, so keep searching for more K-Pop MV MR version, if interested.

Q & A about K-Pop with Anis-ssi

Kenapa minat sangat dengan K-Pop ? Dorang semua dah lah suara mesin, miming & lip-sync, bukan guna suara betul pun. Entah entah tak reti nyanyi.

Oh, nak tahu tak ? I like your negative thinking and the way you observe them bluntly. The fish. It is true, they do use suara mesin, and too much edit on their voice here and there. Blerghh, even aku pun tak suka. But hey, that's why adanya Electronic Pop in K-Pop industry. Okay, let's proof you with these:

Above, yang MR Removed version, which means they were singing Hands Up in live, with original voices. Yang original, click here.

Above, yang Mr Removed version again, but this time it is BigBang! 
Pernah dengar BigBang's Tonight ? Compare dengan video atas ni.

As if korang tak satisfy lagi, okay aku try explain.
Some K-Pop band nyanyi live dengan suara mesin, lip-sync & miming, means:
  • Tak ramai artis boleh selalu high and low notes & falsetto all the time. So give them chance and break. Ada artis yang dare to accept fans' & anti-fans' challenges, nanyi dengan high-low-notes secara berterusan sambil menari, dengan heels or baju ketat ketat, akibatnya dapat jangkitan kotak suara or tekak free free, pastu kena bedah. In order to jaga kesihatan, sometimes dorang terpaksa lip-sync.  
  • Bila menari sambil menyanyi, lompat sana lompat sini, artis perlu banyak latihan & praktikal disusuli dengan mampu menghadapi risiko kecederaan fizikal & mental yang serious & ada stamina yang kuat. Okay, di Malaysia, kita ada Stacy. Dia seorang professional, sebab dia kuat berlatih so that boleh balance both singing & dancing parts. So, yang K-Pop pulak, kalau korang yang baru or tak pernah nak involve K-Pop ni, pergi tengok yang rookies, freshies & newbies baru 1 tahun memang tak lah kan. Pergi tengok yang dah professional, macam: BigBang, DBSK/HoMin, 2PM, B2ST and so on.
  • Suara mesin maybe sebab nak bagi sedap telinga mendengarnya kut. Aku tak berani nak cakap lebih, maaflah.
  • Sebab lain? Of course, tak reti menyanyi or boleh menyanyi tapi, tak berjaya capai ke tahap professional. Professional, as for me here, it means, mampu menyanyi & menari, dengan lancar & 100% flawless sebiji macam lagu betul.
  • Kadang-kadang, selalu ada masalah teknikal bila tengah live broadcasting, so microphones tak memihak sangat kepada dorang. Moreover, background music selalu lagi kuat daripada suara.
Any opinions? With pleasure, I ready to accept. 

K-Pop ni, korang minat sebab muka, kan? Muka bedah, untunglah~

FYI, tak semua bedah.
Some memang dilahirkan muka suci cantik chun comel sepet macam tuu, bukan bedah. Some memang kacukan British, America, Canada, Australia, Japan, China, Spanish, France, Portugis, oh ada juga Malaysia, don't worry. Some memang bergantung 100% kepada make-up semata-mata. No make-up, habislah kau. Some memang bedah sebab syarikat suruh. Some memang bedah sebab rasa dia buruk, so dia bedah. Some memang bedah sebab it's trending~ Some memang bedah sebab accident, habis remuk sana sini. Some memang bedah sebab dah bosan dengan duit yang dia ada. 

Boleh beza orang yang dah bedah dengan belum. So investigate lah sikit, kalau berminat.
Lagi satu, dunia dah moden. Even orang dah semula jadi cantik, bila dah photoshop-ed, habis lain muka dia. So, korang hati hati lah, kuasa edit photoshop semua ini, dah luar jangkaan kita. Aku teringin nak main Final Fantasy yang latest. Sorry off-topic.

Apa apa pun, kita manusia dah semula jadi cantik.
Sebabnya, pencipta kita Allah Maha Esa telah mencipta kita sebagai makhluk yang sempurna & paling bagus. Hargai lah kesempurnaan & kecantikkan yang diberi-Nya, jaga dengan sebaik-baiknya. Okay ? Aku cantik, kau cantik, semua orang cantik.

Btw, Cheon Dung aku tak bedah, mata dia sepet sebelah macam aku & suara dia macam ayam penyet, paling tak sedap dalam MBLAQ. Sebab aku suka? Mehhe >< Dia jujur sangat.

K-Pop ni tetiba popular, semua orang tetiba suka. Aku tak sedap hati lah.

You know, me too. Orang kecek Melayu, sebok habak omputih. Tuu lah, orang sekarang. Okay, off-topic again nampaknya.

Oh lately, I do some research on Western influence on K-Pop music industry. And I found something obviously bizarre, odd, and terrifying. Tak suka lah, muka dah comel, talented, pandai, tapi dijadikan puppets or termakan pengaruh budaya kuning. Aku tak kesah, as long tak mencemar kepala comel aku ni. Mehhe ><

So, let's gimme some opinions & personal views on these:

Awesome tak ?! Full of epic-ness & what is this, some kind of new series of HEROES or Ang the Avatar? Okay, so now what the real MV here.

And now, watch this. Really weird.

If in case you still don't get what I'm trying to spit on here, PM me, and everything will be just okay. If you don't satisfy with this. and even disagree with this, it's okay. My bad? No, this is just my opinion (:

Finally, I'm away landing in my bad take a long nap. Mehhe ><
Tak insaf lagi, still in-the-making-of-panda-eyes. Here, I would like to say:

" All above are sincerely from me. Aku bercakap berdasarkan apa yang aku fikir & faham sepanjang minat K-Pop ni. So, if there is something wrong or aku buat salah ke, do PM me. Almaklumlah, aku ni masih belajar & still investigate and trying to understand everything even though I know I couldn't, so what? Still boleh try apa. If apa aku cakap too offensive and too rude, or tak berasas, or basi, or tak berilmu, of course lah, kang aku libatkan semua including sources, hadis, extra trivia & infos, too long & excessive elaborations, aku pulak yang pening == Anyway, saya minta maaf jika saya didapati bersalah di sini & tegurlah kerana teguran sangat diperlukan. Btw, kalau ada extra info or trivia, do share with me here. " -- Anis Wu 
Wassalamualaikum (:

P/S: This one random. I'm writing like this below.
Happy weekends !