
Friday, July 27, 2012


Assalamu'alaikum & Hi.

The fish. The ikan. Si fish. Si ikan.
Okay, stop cursing.

Pretty busy lately, mwehehe.
'Le assignments, 'le homework, 'le projects, 'le quizzes, 'le mid-term exams & bla bla.
However, I uhh... those uhh... uhh... I'm not stressed at all :/

Maybe this is because of Ramadhan...perhaps, I'm changing? Yeah, that's something positive just came out from my mind. Woowei woowei~

I do believe that I'm really good at influencing people.
People always observing other earthlings, so this means I am one of the victims? Yes, indeed. You too, no worries. Mula-mula orang akan kata aku pelik, but soon or later dorang akan buat apa yang aku buat, dorang akan kata apa yang aku kata, dorang akan tengok apa yang aku tengok. Depends. Kalau sekepala, maybe we could influence each other, right? Mwehehe.

Hmm, mood swings?
Dulu, yes. Sangat teruk, mood swings aku. Based on the research I've done, blood-type-O(s) have extreme mood changing or mood swings. First, she/he owns the night (the party or event, I guess...). Next, she/he completely isolates her/himself. Haha. Sangat betul ! 

However, now, Alhamdulillah, dah boleh kawal everything, including stress & anger...strangely, I just couldn't stop saying "the fish...yo...". Some people might translate it "the fuck...yo...", some people might think that "Oh...seems the words are trending now. Better I get used to it...", some people might think that "Why 'fish' meh? Nak makan ikan eh?" Hmm. Depends on the situations happened. Sometime I really meant the-fish as 'daffcuk' and sometime it is just random words spitted from me. Okay, Anis. Stop cursing. Well, truly sorry to those who kinda feel offended with such words. No offense, okay? Peace no war.

Wassalamu'alaikum (: