
Saturday, July 21, 2012


Assalamu'alaikum & Hai hai !

Can we rewrite our past? Yes. Can we repeat our past. Yes, if you haven't learnt anything from your past, means you are condemn to repeat it again. 

Yesterday was the blessed first day of Ramadhan.
A wonderful day.

One word to describe what I feel now:

A L H A M D U L I L L A H !

Yeah, I just updated this post hours ago on Facebook, probably my last status. Pfffts, probably. I haven't slept since 1 a.m. and this means, I slept for 2 hours only from 11 p.m. to midnight. *humming B2ST's Midnight*

"No stupid distractions" means now I have nothing to worry about.
Dulu aku selalu risau, macamana hidup aku nanti. Okay, now, I was like "Wow the fish?! This is me?!" Wae? Wae? 

Recently, aku terlalu kuat bekerja.
Aku memang pemalas. Once aku ada kerja & aku saje yang ada kerja tu, aku suka. Aku tak suka kerja aku, orang lain buat. Kalau working in group, kerja sama-sama lah, kan? I'm afraid nanti bila aku dah bekerja, aku membujang sebab sibuk cari duit.

Banyak kali berlaku.
Disebabkan aku nak habiskan kerja aku, semua benda aku lupa.
Makan, minum, K-Pop, tidur, nyamuk, jam, dengkuran orang, extra sound effects from nowhere and whatever they are, even kadang-kadang orang tengah cakap dengan aku, aku pedulikan semua benda. Amboi, BM aku. And once kerja tu siap, aku hibernasi ber-jam jam sebab terlampau penat.

So, hal ini membuatkan aku terfikir, bila aku dah bekerja mesti macam ni.
Balik kerja, probably langsung tak dinner. Sama ada, beli lauk or fast foods. Langsung tak sihat. Kalau dah kahwin, lagi kesian keluarga aku. Payah. Confirmed, balik kerja terus solat  & buat kewajipan lain, then tidur. Masa untuk diri sendiri? Eobseo!

However, I enjoy working.
Now I realized why I love Takumi Ichinose so much. Takumi works so hard, walaupun dia dah berjaya, dia tetap kerja separuh mati. Wae? Nak berjaya secara konsisten & berterusan. So, aku pun nak berjaya & berterusan berjaya. Sebagai Muslimah & perempuan Melayu yang hebat! 

Make lotsa positive changes in this blissful Ramadhan.
That's my determination.

Wassalamu'alaikum & Salam Ramadhan al-Mubarak for all Muslims (:

P/S: I uhh... haven't introduced my friends there and what happened to me recently, kan? That uhh...takes lotsa time, so just wait. Assignments & tons of work were uhh...the reasons why my body is out of lipids and fats nowadays. Goodbye, double-chins.