
Friday, July 6, 2012

Currently, yes I do.

Assalamua'alaikum & Greetings (:
Glad to be here again. Merapu & meroyan, just leav'em to me !

Well, uhh...hi ?
Hmm...hey, I'm Anis. Yes, Anis.
It has been a month I didn't update this blog.
HA-HA, macam tak biasa. So what I'm going to write ?
The life I'm currently living in. Well, let's say, I'm going to tell you what currently I am now? A "retis" perhaps. A "hotsetap" perhaps. An eccentric artist perhaps. A normal & average college student, yeaaah right !

After months was stuck in home was doing nothing, finally my dream came true.
Dapat masuk universiti, at last. I'm currently further studying in economic studies, which include business, accounting, maths, statistics and so on, whatever they are. Since before this, I was as a science student in my high school, so takes time & lotsa efforts to study something new now. Well, let's say, I'm currently now taking risks & challenging myself to become more professional, instead of saying that I'm studying. Kaaan ?

My expectations ?
Yes, I do. Definitely.

Kenapa aku berada di sana, instead of rumah sendiri ? Personally, I want to master in Accounting & Maths, from basic to higher level, also to improve myself talking in English fluently, and writing it smoothly and excellently. Haha, boleh ke ?

Okay, meh sini aku nak cakap sikit.
Orang sekarang, suka sangat judging before they get to know with others. Sangat tak patut, okay. Kenapa ?

A person's appearance gives them their first impression of you. Masalahnya, they are not only describing in details on whatever you wear, they also judging you directly about the whole you, based on what they have observed. Gila tak ? Yes, sangat menggila.

Actually, hal ini takkan berterusan menggila if these kind of people stop spitting shits on others, means janganlah buka aib orang. Once kau dah nampak the real 'him'/'her', well, you have options:

1. Pergi & cuba nasihat dia. If that's even necessary to do so.
2. Biarkan, selagi dia tak menggoyahkan rumah tetangga bebumbung kau sendiri.
3. Ghoyak kat his/her trusted bestfriend, suruh dorang yang lakukan something.

Hmm, however, normally people loves taking higher-level risk:  Ghoyak sesama rakan tetangga sendiri & hebahkan satu kampung betapa teruknya budak tu.

Boleh je announce but, hey, if benda korang nak ghoyak kat satu dunia tuu benda baik, boleh. If the things you wanna say are the bad things, stop it. Just stop. Orang macam ni menyebabkan fitnah & penipuan, juga tokok tambah dalam cerita joyah terbitan Cerita Murahan Drama Swasta Manusia Bhd., berleluasa & menular merata-rata. This seems that manusia masih tak belajar daripada sejarah. Better learn the history back.

Tengok ! Off topic.

So now, currently, I'm facing lotsa things to do now; Assignments, quizzes, studies & bla bla. Oh, since aku dah beritahu kewujudan crush aku, yes, currently I do have a crush, with a same age. Tak handsome but, tertarik dengan dia. Hmm, aku datang sini bukan cari 'le future husband whoever he is, so I don't really mind bout guys there. Hampir tak menyedari kewujudan mereka, kecuali 'ze crushhh !

'Ze classmates & roommates sangat hebat.
I do have great time with all of them (: Aku ada target aku kat situ, well it seems that dorang tengok aku macam biasa biasa, better telan balik your thoughts because FYI, I'M DIFFERENT & UNPREDICTABLE. 

That's all for this first week of July. Oh, hey July, please be kind to me, since Ramadhan also on 'his' way, please behave yourself. Okay? Haha. Wassalamu'alaikum & Forever Goodluck to you guys whoever reading this !

P/S: Judging & badmouthing, also backstabbing me is not helping you to be better than me & anyone else. FYI, Allah is paying cash, means you treat others kindly, Allah gives lotsa good things & news to you. If you mistreat others, others will mistreat you as well. Vice versa. I'm warning you & keep pointing this matter again, because you're about to do the wrong thing. So be careful & behave yourselves. Thank you (:

PP/S: Hmm aku rindu mereka semua macam killer diva vavi.