
Monday, August 20, 2012


Assalamu'alaikum & Hi.
I don't feel like wanna write something like this.
I mean...updating this blog.

So, hai again.
I haven't updated this blog for...weeks. Not a big deal, act.
But, here I am. Well, what exactly I want to talk about?

The most fascinating happened this month, is Ramadhan's comeback. Alhamdulillah.
On previous post, I promised to have a productive Ramadhan. However, it seems...I uhh...I uhh...pretty disappointed with myself. Takya cerita lebih, you never wanna hear or read it.

Last week was Mid-term Exams week. So mine, I have 3 subjects to focus on; Maths, Statistics and Accounting. Out of 3 subjects, I satisfied with Accounting. Overall was okay, but tengok lah macamana the result nanti. 

After exams ended, I was hoping that there would be no classes and we would be able to go back home for Raya holiday or Mid-term break. Hell no. There were classes that need to be attended. Monday till Wednesday. The fish. The ikan. Si ikan. Si fish. Goodjob, Anis. Just cut it out, no cursing. Blerghhh...actually, I attended all the classes, except for the last one...uhh...failed. Ada sebab tak munassabah munassarawak, well who will give a damn bout it anyway...

Oh by the way, tahu tak atas-atas ni were written few days ago, before Raya lagi tahu tak? Sokay, seems uolls are not even bothered with them.

Ehemmm. Ehemmm.

Salam Eid-Fitr to all Muslims, especially Malaysian Muslims.
Maaf zahir & batin.

First day of raya was sangat best.
We all were in brown baju kurung and baju Melayu.
Ziarah rumah Tok & Neksu. Then, stopped by my nanny's house, Cik As & Man. Pastu, ziarah ibu jiran saya yang sakit di HUKM. Finally, watched The Expandable 2 for the first time together with 'le siblings. It was a late night movie act. I thought Christ berlakon, but Liam! His dongsaeng. So far, the Expandable 2 is kinda daaaaaaebak! Balik rumah, Mia tweeted that EXO's comeback will be on September. Oh, by the way, harituu, Amir (cucu Tok & Neksu, also a friend of Sakinah Hussin) pakai jubah Akatsuki. I was like "Homaggggotz where the hell he got that Akatsuki thing?!". Aku excited sebab biasanya tengok para cosplayers yang pakai jubah or characters costume. Whatever. That day...iHappy. Oh, Rashid's girlfie datang. Woowei woowei~  Hmmm. Masa pergi hospital, ziarah ibu jiran saya, ada seorang budak kecil comel, namanya Akmal (but wait! Frankly, aku langsung tak kenal itu budak.) tetiba pergi kat aku, panggil aku "Mamaaa...mamaaa...". And I was like "Whaaaat?! You called me whaaaa--" Dia lari kat jiran aku, panggil 'kakak' but sampai kat aku jadi 'mama'. Grrraaaam gegurl.

Second day of raya was also best.
Went to Rumah Terbuka at Tok & Neksu house. Mwehehe satay duuuuude! 
We went to Melaka, jumpa Maksu Hakim. Teh dia memang sangat amat kuat, I couldn't finished it. Sangat kuat. Then, third guest datang rumah. Keluarga Maklong Megat (?) Suka hati aku nak panggil macam tu. Act, warga anak dia and ayah dia semua ber-Megat, sebab tu panggil keluarga Maklong Megat. Act, aku je yang panggil macam tu. Maaf, if any of you terbaca. No offense & peace, no war.

Act, just now aku dah baca Kuroshitsuji, Black Butler till the latest chapter! Finally! Ada pun masa. iSuka Violet! Sebab? Sangat pelik, sangat aneh, sangat ganjil, sangat sangat sangat! I want that guy be my chingguuuuuu <333333 Manga tuu seems dah jadi more interesting, so iLooooooike! And next, nak tengok One Piece, since latest episode already updated. Then, layan Running Man. Wooowei woowei~

By the way, uolls, I just updated my tumblr.
iCried. iSatisfied. iUhh...Alhamdulillaaaaaaah !

Eh lupa.
Act, I don't have lotsa homework to do. Act, ada.
Maths assignment. Shipputz. 

That's all from me. Wassalamu'alaikum!
Enjoy your Raya days, Muslims!

P/S; Eh, cuba tengok gambar kad raya atas tuu. Scroll sikit, then click on it so that korang boleh tengok secara HD & 2D (since I'm not providing you guys 3D pictures, deal with it...), kad raya tuu hasil karya aku & 'le classmates aku. Hee, weeolls won the kad raya competition. Tuu je, not a big deal pun.