
Thursday, August 30, 2012


Assalamu'alaikum & Hi.
Lotsa things happened these days *sigh*

Y'know whaaaat kucing aku mengeluh. Depressed being bullied with 'le humans.
Tam, sorry dude *bow*

I watched several Japan dramas recently. Jyeah~ dah lama tak tengok, so just because.
Actually, I prefer Japanese dramas more because most of Korean dramas are bout love and family, in contrast to most Japanese dramas which all about love, friendship, family and bla bla bla. That's just my point of view of dramas from both favorite countries. Recently I watched Mirai Nikki, Gokusen, Rich Man & Poor Woman, Hanazakari Kimitachi E, Hana Yori Dango, and the last one...I failed to recall its name because it is written in complex kanji...which I couldn't read it. Oh, Koizora is a good movie too. 

Btw, Oppa Gangnam Style has been trending all over the world. In Twitter, Facebook, and Youtube (obviously...especially...) *sigh* It has been almost a month since PSY comeback. Do you know who is PSY act? The owner of the song 'Gangnam Style' whatever it is. And people are talking bout the video (...and not him unfortunately) and the dance, and bla bla bla...later, they start getting so retarded by making parodies. No offense, but uhh...well yeah, actually most of Gangnam Style parodies look retarded. Again, no offense. Salam Eid-Fitr by the way, peace no war. Just my point of view and unnecessary personal thoughts, about your parody videos. 

I just started drawing back since haven't done anything few months ago. Well, actually I did but just wouldn't expose'em here. Y'know what I try to tell ya. You can just click to link that linked to my tumblr. Most of my drawings will be going to post in Tumblr. Plus, I just have a thought to change the URL...since I ruined my bias list. No more Kris. No more Wu Fan. No more Wu Yi Fan. No more Captain. No more Duizhang. No more Kevin Wu. However, he is still...


Now I have someone else y'know. Someone who is...I frankly speaking dunno him better than this Kris. Heh apa je aku tau ekcelli? Tinggi dia; 187cm and bla bla. So far, tak concern sangat nak tau semua benda. Whatever it is, Thunder wa watashi no zettai kareshi desu yo~! 

Today is about to share you some tutorials, but these are not mine. Credit to who is deserved to.

Kennot see, eh ? Click'em to enlarge. Kennot download?
Jyeah, kau ingat ni website download sesuka riang ria kuih raya cornflakes madu? Hell no, man. Let's try cara classic or manual. That's even better.

Finally mid-term dah habis. Aku baru nak cerita ekcelli. Well yeah, nak cerita apa je ?!
Oh, last paper was Accounting 1. Right after habis jawab semua paper, we, 'le classmates went hanging out together. However, Farah, Fadhilah and I went to KLCC and the rest went shopping for Raya at TAR. Najwa suka shopping. Aqila pun. Aisyah comel pun. Ecah followed us but...dia balik terus. SOBBBBBS ))))): Sedih gegurl tau. Farah ajak Fadhilah & I watching Total RecallI thought Total Recall tak best, but once I watch the movie, I was like... 
Then, we had iftar together at KLCC, bersama dengan semua rombongan dari TAR. Then, shopping sekejap. Teman Najwa beli heels at Vincci. But few minutes then, I had to go. SOBBBBBS ))))): Again. But hey, balik rumah was a great thing. Jumpa keluarga especially keluarga (':

Then, a week after Raya week -..-
Aku balik balik terus kena present Maths kat depan, with 'le friends: Farah & Alwani, of course. And Mid-term results. Baru dapat Maths & Statistics. Alhamdulillah, both turn out so well. And next week pulak ada exam for English *sigh* So far, I'm so thankful. Alhamdulillah (': Btw, Ashraf sangat pandai. Y U R SO GENIUS DUUUUUDE ?! iSayang girl classmates & roommates I semua (': Guys are just so-so -..- Some must learn how to behave properly & humbly from Ashraf.

iNak lelaki macam atas ni, boleh tak?
Since saya seorang yang complicated, saya perlukan lelaki yang happy-go-lucky macam orang atas ni. Well yeah, I'm kinda complicated. Some saying that I sangat pendiam, while some saying that aku ni sangaaaaaat bising. Some saying that I always being rude, while some saying that saya sopan. And more. Banyak sangat rumors pasal aku. Shut up. Aku gurau je. But just couldn't press [Backspace] button. Biarkan je ayat peghasanthan tu, boleh tak? Keep calm & just scroll down.

Hmm apa lagi ? What else ?
Currently addict to leopard printed thingy, panda, black cats, read Kuroshitsuji manga, play online-game Glory Destiny, watch Running Man & solve Sudoku. I almost typed Sadako. Scary killer -..- Personally would like to spend this weekend nowhere but just home sweet home. Memang tak lah. And to those yang buat open house, I uhh... sorry. Kennot lah...aku tak berani nak janji yang I whether I datang ke tak. I just...*sigh*

Lastly, there are some videos here, I would like you guys to watch'em.
First is Crash by B.A.P. Dunno? Then Google it. It was a great MV because it filmed at Malaysia. Sunway, Kuala Lumpur...they came here for their showcase. Too bad I was in campus, studying and I ain't their fan. Second is Cartoon Network version of Batman. Based on the latest Batman movie series, The Dark Night Rises (I uhh... had watched that too). Worth to watch though it is just an animation. No regret, guaranteed. Lastly, The Boys (by Girls' Generation originally) cover by PHANTOM. Sanchez dressed up like Freddie Mercury in this video and the voice was actually his, no edit and no auto tune. It was original. This filmed before their debut. Check'em out at Youtube their debut song: BURNING.

Actually, idkw the post title was ELI.
Accidentally on purpose maybe. Well, later !

Wassalamu'alaikum&Salam 55th yrs Merdeka Malaysians !!!!

P/S: Credit to those who deserved to for above medias. I do not own those medias. Sorry if any of you who read this feel offended with whatever written here. I'm badly sorry. Salam Eid Fitr & Maaf zahir batin again. To those sasaengs I labyuuu'olls. K.