
Saturday, September 29, 2012


Assalamu'alaikum & Greetings (:

And that's exactly what IKR means.
I love how I randomly write the intro. Hikhik.

Usually things I write as contents here are not really related to the post title just randomly picked from data that have been interpreted by my fresh brain. 

Few days ago there was something that caught my attention:

That awkward moment when you are doing something weird, and thinking, this is why

I'm not in a relationship.

Hmm yeah that's a bit awkward.
When someone asks you:

"Dude, is it good being single?"

"No it isn't. It feels heaven yeah~"

Yeah it is. Tapi, dalam hati kau mesti ada juga rasa nak status 'in a relationship'. 

When I was thinking bout this back about being a relationship or having namja chingguus, I know this is not the right time for that. Perhaps, scared of being hurt by those bullshits, or being irresponsible, mean and ignorant, I'm not ready yet.

Okay, now. Random time !

The moment when I get caught for doing something bizarre I will be like

The moment when I get stressed out or frustrated or not in a good mood:

1. 'Whatever' u'olls

2. Rebellious, can't stop being annoying. I would have just flipped a table...

3. Cussing heh. 

Well fyi WTF in my life dictionary means "What The Fish?!" which is equal to "What the Ikan?!" "Apa itu Fish?!" "Apa itu Ikan?!" Got it right.

4. Kemurungan melanda. End up myself with maggi in front of lappy.

5. You don't even wanna talk to me I guess because I will be like this:

6. When it hurts my feeling, deep inside it truly hurts

 7. When things get more complicated, just gimme a time to hibernate. Please.

8. ...till the moment I failed to wrap up the shits feeling inside anymore. Tears burst and it leads to a formation of tons of mucus in my nostril that makes me to spend money on tissues more that buying milk or snacks for breakfast. SOBBBBS.

Well, that's me.
My brain is a bit complicated and so is myself, my life.  

If you curious bout me, find me in real life. Not in the Internet. Everything looks good in the Internet, even Mc Donald's burgers look good but in reality they are just so-so but still the best things to feed my stomach and its friends. 

I love my life. I love who I am right now.

'Unpredictable' is the best word to describe me.

Wassalamu'alaikum & enjoy your life :)

*P/S: YOLO stands for You Only Live Once, that also means you have only one life as a servant of Allah S.W.T. to do right things that already have been mentioned in Al-Qur'an and As-Sunnah, learn from mistakes histories and avoid committing wrongdoings then start deciding to live as a better person who is able to contribute to your religion, parents, family, country, world, and universe. So, it is not only to live for having fun for the rest of your one life. Heh. Sincerely an advice from me to myself and you.

*PP/S: Hmmm I had a thought of changing everything just now. ALL THE URLSSSSS !
Okay, I reaaaaaaally love this sibling ! ThunDara ! *Heh sounds too random here...