
Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Assalamu'alaikum & Greetings.

I've been used too many cussing words these days, that obviously portraying me as a weak Muslimah who easily exposed herself to do sins: such using cussing words secara membabi buta, at anytime and anywhere; even though now Allah S.W.T. has placed me to a better place where is suitable for someone to perform hijrah for herself. I should use that golden opportunity

Baiklah, apa aku merapu?
Sila ignore ayat atas ini. If and only if mistakes & errors are noticeable, sila betul kan. Terima kasih (:

Hi, saya Anis. Cfs IIUM student who is taking Econs, currently. This is no joke, really.
Able to study at IIUM was my dream back then, now this is a reality. Duuuuude, like seriously, I was like "Wooow! Okay, Anis...sila gembira sebab impian kau tercapai!" Aku sangat gembira, being able to be there and still dapat rasa nikmat & hikmah berada di situ. 

Rasa sangat gembira jugaklah, bila tiada basic in Accounting but now currently is taking the subject. At first, hubungan dengan aku & Accounting sangat tak mesra, due to we faced lotsa misunderstandings. Now, Alhamdulillah, boleh lah, kira rapat juga lah (: Semester satu berakhir semalam but rasa macam semua dah berakhir, macam dah boleh masuk degree terus. 

Ini lah kali terakhir benda di atas wujud semalam.
Tabung bunny given by beloved junior Ainin, the bunch of unknown keys (tied neatly with Mahallah key), the so-called Ostrich (which obviously it is a teddy bear) keychain with hairband and that froggy pin, also Elmo keychain. Since starting studied there, saya sangat excited dengan keychains. And itu lah board saya & compartment mate saya, Saroro-chin (well, her real name is Sarah. Hikhik) Above was mine, the below one with tons of Korean characters was hers. She's Triple S and me is A+. Hikhik.

Left is a picture of 'le us were going for iftar together as roommates. Well, actually kami kesemuanya lapan orang, but the picture shows 6 only: Saroro, Fararewro, Hana, Lyn, Hajar and me. Another one, Teha was left at Mahallah whilst lagi seorang was taking the picture, Shishimia ! (x Right was 'le me and Sarah. Our maknae but perangai langsung bukan maknae, hikhik. *P/S: Hmm couldn't find picture of Hana & Mia /: Btw, credit pictures above goes to Farewro & Shishimia

At first week which was Ta'aruf Week, sempat jumpa dengan bestie, Nor Aziemah Razip. A full-time Baby & also an ELF. That time I was placed in first floor, while dia duduk kat lelangit Mahallah Khadijah, but dia turun menziarahi gegurl jugak. Like seriously I was heaven yeah terharuuuu ! Saranghae chinggu-ah ! And gegurl sempat jumpa Farhanah, 'le kawan kepada kitorang juga was there too. But no picture. Sila salah kan diri sendiri pakai Bold 1 yang forever stuck as hell and jangan salah kan Farhanah sebab phone dia habis battery. Forever sobbing.

Hi. Ini classmates saya for the first Semester.
Mereka terlalu baik bagi aku, sampai aku rasa taknak terpisah dengan dorang sebab dah macam keluarga juga. Same goes to dearest roommates. Memang taknak terpisah langsung *died tearing* Semua terlalu baik, alhamdulillah. Allah S.W.T. Maha Pemurah, menempatkan aku dalam kalangan mereka yang baik, alhamdulillah syukur syukuuuur~ 

Those are my favorite babygerlzzz (x 
At first kenal tak pernah rasa awkward & they are nice to me as well. Terharuuu juga.
Will miss them, the roommates & classmates for three months (':

Before first semester ended and the exams week started, kami hangout satu kelas bersama. Hal ini juga melibatkan our English lecturer, Miss Shahira juga, ke Wangsa Walk. Walaupun kami tersedia maklum bahawa Wangsa Walk agak membosankan but that was the only place where it was easier for us gathering & meeting each other. Kami main bowling and were having dinner together. Itu je sempat, sebab keluar after Zohor and bowling competition among them sangat sengit sampai laghaa yang mereka perlukan makanan untuk hidup sebenarnya. Well actually, I wasn't playing bowling but at arcade, main tembak-tembak

Friends come. Friends go. But memories stay forever.
Will miss all of them badly. Well life goes on.

Wassalamu'alaikum & sila bergembira besama keluarga anda (:

P/S: Do you know why this post is entitled 'Recording'? It means I love bookkeeping.