
Thursday, December 20, 2012


Assalamu'alaikum & Hi.

18th Anis, Hi.

The best gift given to me is a family
It's okay, if the gifts aren't /that/ expensive, branded, stylish, exclusive or /the existence of those are really that crucial for any birthday events/ I /actually/ don't really need any gifts. It is fine as long I still have a family to stay with. Family isn't just your mom, dad, and siblings, ...and other closer relatives. Family has a group of people who are /really/ loyal & can be relied on them, and can be trusted. More importantly, these people accept you as part of their life

I like /those/ kinds of people.
I /hate/ lies. 

...shouldn't have existed.

Wassalamu'alaikum, happy 20122012 !

Thank you; dearest mak, ayah, diba & hafiz, for everything and specifically celebrating D-DAY with me. Love u'ollz till death separates us. Btw, photo above, creds to diba (: