
Sunday, January 27, 2013


Assalamu'alaikum and...

...freaking hi, folks !


First week, kami sekelas dah accidentally on purpose skipped a class.

Sorry, madam. I refuse T-T-T-TIME MACHINE. /ughhh わるい銀さん!/

Classmate for this semester, sama juga dengan dorang. ALHAMDULILLAH~! Good things happened are; kitorang tak lost lagi, Ashraf bawa kek Sarawak, classes only for 3 days (start belajar seriously, on next week ughhhhhh), and hangout ramai-ramai sekelas pun not bad gak. Frankly speaking, aku dulu jarang jalan or hangout ramai-ramai, I'm fine by myself, all alone sebab have privacy with myself, creating your own world...not bad. Ever since start studying in IIUM, friends are crucial and sangat bersyukuuuuuuur, Alhamdulillah...aku dapat jumpa dorang ni. Aku tak sempurna and have tons of flaws, so I need someone(s) to complete me. Actually, people need each other kan ? I need you ~~~ /humming Mate's Impro/

Left is mine, right is Saroro-chin's.
Again, Saroro-chin strikes back! Dia dan K-Pop dia. Well, dia gunakan posters to cover the board, bukannya sebab /memang niat dia nak nose-bleeding, spazzing, fangirling, everytime sticks her eyes on the board while studying or doing her business/ Aku sucks at explaining things. So far, aku boleh hidup lagi, bahagia lagi. In syaa Allah, everything will be fine.!

Oh...recently, aku macam...logging out from K-Pop world. But...the heck, aku still engaged. Dia kan...bukan exactly logged out, but macam kau tercabut your TV plug, while it was still running...I mean, the feels. Then, aku ter-log in dalam anime & J-World. Hajimemashite...the heck ! Especially anime ! Dalam laptop aku, I thought nak penuhkan with something like precious and all-time-favorite dramas and movies, I never thought of anime...a bit! And it starting flooded in my laptop...and plus, aku ada classmate yang suka anime, and all-time-favorite chinggu, Ziem, pun minat gak ! Otteokkae...aku wasting time thinking bout little things. Well watching anime or cartoon isn't that bad. Aku tak faham, certain people react just like "Tak faham lah, kenapa tengok semua benda tu...otak tak mengembang langsung. Tak suka lah!" And...again people judging with no reference, research and investigation. たぶん...dorang just takboleh tengok benda tak hidup bercakap, macam manusia ? Instead of making anime or super-CGI-3D-HD animations, kenapa tak buat manusia yang berlakon ? Hmm to begin with, anime ni orang yang lukis. Orang yang sangat creative and imaginative, dorang zahirkan imaginasi dorang with drawings, which is the cheapest way to make what you imagine comes less than 50% true...ughhh act, not even 0.1% either. Macam naruto, orang lukis je, jadikan komik & share to the world bout naruto. Nak buat drama terus, Kishimoto Masashi takde budget kan? Lukis je lah weh. Hmm...I'm not sure whether you get it or not. すまん.

Nana bagi. Saroro-chin pun ada gak.
Ughhhhhh aku tertanya-tanya, bila aku nak jadi pemurah, baik hati, macam mereka, dan orang lain yang sejenis dengannya. Aku...tak pernah baik. Maybe. Nak kata aku selfish, no. Selfish is a strong word, yknow. Self-centered ? Naduuuu mollagaesseo. Zenzen shiranai. 

Feel insecure? Hmm...たぶん.


I hooked on tumblr...and Adam (ughhh...sampai bila ?! creeeeeeeysss ). Still am act.
Depart from social world. じゃね !