
Sunday, March 3, 2013


Seriously, Anis?

Assalamu'alaikum & Miao.

Idk where to start the begin with.
I have a good life. Alhamdulillah. Happy or sad, good or bad, it's okay, that's the fun.

Since the first day of March, no Blackberry anymore.
Still having it with me now, but not using it like I used to. By means, no BBM. Hal ini berlaku kerana "Mak taknak guna Blackberry lah..." So, that's why. And non-Blackberry phone tuu, namanya Felix.

Gintama is going to its end. 
Serious shit aku terkejut weh. I'm not ready yet for that, Sorachi-san! But I respect both Gorilla-san & Sunrise decisions. There are lotsa epic arcs that haven't shown yet to the audience, the fans! Aku nak tengok, Gin's history, I mean his parents at least, and macam mana dia boleh jadi someone yang, y'know, whatever he said is the right thing at the right moment, to spit out. And actually banyak lagi. So, by means, aku kena...baca manga dia?

I re-watched Darker than Black, 
...and I just realized that cerita tuu serious shit awesomazing-ly epic. Baru habis re-watched the first season, will continue the rest later. And surprisingly, aku suka November 11 or Jack Simmon, idekw. But, he died. Actually, except Hei and /idk about/ Yin, all characters kinda I fond of died. Well, actually, I like Mao the most, most probably bc of he's a kuroneko.

The Unlimited, finally this anime keeps me watching & waiting for it.
Still on-going, but aku rasa in the end, that guy, Hyobu, will finally died happily...or is there any sequel, on next time, tabun has been looooooooong time I left them, the one and only drama I watch right now is Lucky Seven. Eita is there so that's why. And ever since the existence of anime in Adam, I keep on watching'em and I couldn't find any reasonable excuse to watch drama. Maybe takde drama yang menarik perhatian. I kinda like melodrama sometime just to kill my time, waste the tears, and relieve stress. Okay, define stress.

Aku tak balik abt a month, so far tak balik bermalam di rumah lama sikit pun, not bad. But, aku ni somekind family person, anak mak. I can't leav'em. Tapi, boleh tahan gak lah, duduk hostel lama-lama. You can have your own space, ways to kill your time by hibernating. So far, sepanjang aku hidup, hibernating is really big deal, and crucial. Hidup remaja aku wasted, by hibernating to much.

And sepanjang abt 3 weeks stayed there, ada satu camp that compulsory for all students to participate it. So, I did. It was all abt leadership. Aku dan leadership, macam air dan petrol Shell 95. Dalam camp tu, belajar banyak benda, like wasatiyyah and leadership skills. Then, ada pasal future, strength and weaknesses and all sorta sorta stuffs. Aku tau apa strengths & weaknesses. And actually I know how to overcome those freaking weaknesses. Malas & anti-social. Frankly speaking, dulu aku payah nak mengaku aku ni anti-social, but knowing that at certain moments and situations, I find myself susah nak socialize, and I did that on purpose, to begin with. I logged out from social websites, just only using it to communicate with certain very important people.

Clock Strikes by OOR serious shit daebak weh.
Orang cakap, kalau minat, suka semua album dia. But, in my case, aku suka that band, but to like all their songs, aku kena dengar dulu, and tengoklah, mana aku suka, aku suka. Mana aku tak, aku tak. It is like falling in love with a person, if you like him/her, there you go. There's no such thing as suka orang tu based on your types. Sometimes, orang yang forever bersama dengan kau, not exactly your type at the first place, kan? Bagi aku, no type. Kalau suka, suka je lah. Kalau tak suka, let'em be. Or you nak amar maa'ruf nahi munkar ? Yang tuu sangat daebak, changing a person to be a better one, you'll get rewards from Allah S.W.T. and actually it is somekind an achievement...doing the dakwah. So marilah berdakwah secara berkesan, menggunakan cara Rasulullah S.A.W.

Aku strat belajar Religions in Malaysia, termasuk belajar tentang, Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism & Sikhism. Banyak knowledge obtained from the class, especially abt your own agama, Islam and other agama. I think it is a brilliant idea, exposing the students abt other religions and that's really necessary. Bila belajar agama lain, you'll appreciate your religion, Islam, more and stop being judgmental person.

That's it for today.
Wassalamu'alaikum & exam-mode turns on.