
Saturday, March 30, 2013



Weh, hai.

In shaa Allah, next year baru masuk degree. Finally.
Lambat, kan? Yes, exactly. But it is fine to me. There's no need to be in hurry. Take your time and enjoy your life as student before working as an accountant and start having a-kinda-serious-shit-hectic lifestyle.

Aku buat jungle trekking hari tu, for the first time of my life. And yes, I felt really great. Kau panjat bukit, using roots and everything yang ada depan kau, though sangat licin but kena buat juga since it was a challenge to you. Turun bukit is something that I despise the most, actually banyak je benda aku tak suka, especially pacat, but idekw aku sangat cool at that time. I was like in the mood of bring-the-shits-on-dude-I-can-take-care-of-them-rn. 

Kan foundation at IIUM, rasa macam still kat sekolah, but slightly different and idk how to describe it in here. Hari tuu, for the first time, we were looking for the information at library. Bukan tak pernah jejak, cuma selalunya pergi situ solely to study. By surfing the Internet, just to search for information, is too mainstream okay. Searching them at the library is classic, yet the information you could obtained there is precious. Sebab dengan usaha nak mencari buku yang banyak, and books you found bukannya selalu provide information yang kau nak, so keep searching on till you find the right books. So, apa yang aku cuba terapkan sekarang is nak cari information kat library susah sikit, compared to by surfing the Internet; and kau lebih hargai apa yang kau jumpa kat library. Tuntasnya, rajin kan lah diri anda ke library okay. 

Benny dah ada awek baru, Oyen. Tapi dia garang dohhh.
Dah almost two weeks, but still dia serious-shit garang wehhh. Benny ni gila sikit, dia macam tak faham bahasa. Dia asyik kacau je Oyen ni, tapi Oyen ni marah dia. Entahlah. 

Aku macam nak slowly disconnect from K-Pop world lah. Bukan apa weh, aku macam dah malas nak up-to-date dengan semua tu. But strangely, aku macam nak layan anime balik. Okay, those anime-manga-otaku, aku recommend korang tengok: Switch Girl, Psycho-Pass, Magi & Darker than Black. Gintama tuu optional.

Siapa fans of Drrr, sila tengok Baccano. Director yang sama. Aku suka cerita yang semua characters penting and part of the story. Bukan nak prioritize the main characters je.

 Darker than Black, DtB; one of my all-time favorite anime ever. Aku tak pernah nak suka ending dia, for the 2nd season. Still hoping that there will be another season for this, next though aku dah faham cerita tuu, and boleh terima dengan ending dia. Tapi, ini tak pernah cukup.

 Psycho-Pass. Cerita ni paling susah aku nak predict, every episodes masalahnya. And all characters are special. Cerita ni, gila. Ending dia, aku macam 'bolehlah' and I was actually expect more okay. And I want more episodes or just another season next time. Tuu boleh jadi, if I.G. Production or Noitamina rajin. 

Magi, ending dia tak boleh blah. Cerita tuu overall, okay but ending spoilt the whole thing. Aku rasa there will be more episodes or just stop there and ended up macam cerita best yang lain. Entahlah. Someones have suggested me to watch Sword Art Online, and several shoujo anime. Tengoklah. Mana satu aku nak.

Dalam process. Aku rasa bila dah start kerja pun, tak selesai lagi ni. Busy dengan apa entah aku ni. Tapi, aku rasa nak buat cuma entah. Plot pun, nak kemaskan sikit. LOL. Sepak kang Anis ni.

Nak aku recommend kan drama pulak ? Aku ni tak up-to-date sangat drama ni.
But orang suka tanya, "Anis, drama apa best skarang ni?" Hidup aku takde dramatic sangat, nak suggest drama kat orang. Ada banyak movie Jepun aku nak tengok, but most of them are unavailable here and so in the Internet. Same goes to Korean movies. 

The Winter, that Wind Blows

Switch Girl (read the manga, it is extremely hilarious)

"Allah doesn't judge you on how bad you have been in the past, 
but rather on how you strive to be better now" 

That is what has written, at the first picture for this post. We found it written on a student's desk.
Scroll this to the top back, you pops!