
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Kacang Keras

Assalamu'alaikum & Hai.
My current life status:

I'll make everything in brief //big-fat-sigh//

Dalam kenangan, dah setahun bersama kitorang. Sempat sambut anivessary well tbvh aku pun lupa bila kitorang start adopt him as part of our family members. Kitorang selalu anggap dia macam dongsaeng or rather the maknae of the house. Since dia inginkan freedom, so there you go. He's off to somewhere, a very very long journey and won't come back here ever again. Above is a set of pics took days before he took off. I thought he could stay longer but then aku terfikir, there's nothing could stay longer with me. Nothing. Datang dan pergi, oh begitu saja ~ //humming Letto's Ruang Rindu

Ini namanya abu-abu, made by Mak. Makanan tradisional so idk more abt it. Tapi, aku makan je lah. Mak aku letak chocolate rice at the top of it, to make it tastes better or more delicious. However, it turned out otherwise. Aku tak cakap rasanya teruk, cuma rasa pelik yang macam sedap. 

I made something at least, ofc just to kill time but idk somehow aku rasa doing this shit was worth. At last, I successfully made 100 tsurus, it didn't take lotsa time if you were not doing it in rush but kena sabar lah. First time belajar buat origami, sangat susah. My roommate, Mia, taught me step-by-step. At first, serious shit susah gila. But, later, after a few of practices, jadilah and kau macam secara semula jadi have memorized all the steps. But ofc, besides tsuru, there are lotsa origami out there. Best gak try. But quite painful and stressed out, bila tak menjadi or things getting too complicated. But it worth. It teaches you be more focus, more committed, more passion when working on smth, and more patience. Aku, tbvh, cuma tau buat tsuru and lily. Oh and btw, the sketch above was abt my oc study. Aku ni, biasalah hanya merancang. Still learning, still try cari inspirations and ideas. Kepakaran origami aku terletak pada...

Since cuti ni, aku beranikan diri duduk lama-lama kat dapur. Ah-haaa don't expect too much, aku tak suka. But, at least, aku ada juga try new things. Honestly, aku taktau masak. I know, dia macam driving. All you need to do is cuba dan praktikkan selalu. Lama-lama, okaylah. So, lemme share how-to for both menus above. *Warning: Resepi aku ni tak dijamin sedap tapi sedap bagi aku lah, hikhik.

Sotong Masak Kunyit Cili Padi

Bahan A:
3/400 gm ((semangkuk)) Sotong
--depends on amt of sotong yang nak dimasak--
1/2 sudu Garam/Maggi Secukup Rasa
1/2 sudu Kunyit

Bahan B:
3 Bawang Besar & Putih [dihiris]
3/lebih Cili Merah [dihiris] 
5/lebih Cili Api [ditumbuk sekali] ((mengikut kekebalan lidah dan organ anda))
1 Daun Kunyit [dihiris halus] ((untuk sedapkan bau, tak payah ada pun takpa))
Garam ((mengikut cita rasa anda))
Gula ((mengikut cita rasa anda))
1 Limau nipis(?) ((diperah last sekali, tak payah ada pun takpa))

Prosedur ((macam buat report sains)):
1. Gaulkan Bahan A & gorengkan sehingga separuh masak. Minyak diperlukan 2/3 sudu. Pastu, lepas habis goreng, ketepikan dulu. Giliran Bahan B untuk beraksi.
2. Minyak 2/3 sudu tumis bawang besar & putih sampai keluar bau dan berwarna emaaaas, tak warna kuning sebenarnya.
3. Masukkan cili merah dan cili api, kemudian masukkan daun kunyit. Masak sampai keluar bau wangi. 
4. Masukkan garam dan gula secukup rasa. Kemudian masukkan warga sotong yang dah digoreng tadi.
5. Masak sehingga sotong tu masak betul-betul ((tak liat ke apa)), kalau kering boleh tambah air sikit.
6. Perahkan limau nipis. Kacau hingga sebati.

Pastu hidang. Nak lawa, hidang leklok. Jangan hidang selekeh macam aku ni. Langsung, have no sense at art. Tak kreatif langsung. As for Chocolate-coated Marshmallow; -- Semangkuk marshmallow & sepapan Chocolate. Double-boiled chocolate tu dulu. Then, celup marshmallow and either nak sangkut marshmallow tuu dengan lidi or rather just put them dalam mangkuk ke bekas. Then, chill them in a fridge. Few minutes or bila dah keras, bolehlah makan. Oh, and btw, chocolate aku guna tuu Cadbury's Dairy Milk. Korang gunalah proper cooking chocolate. Baru sedap, kut.

Since cuti, aku jarang keluar. Well, aku ni tak bangga yang aku ni a shut-in. Tapi, aku ada jugalah hangout somewhere. Dengan keluarga and once with kawan ahhahhaha. KFC tu adik aku belanja, aku honestly terharu. Destinasi pilihan untuk menjamu kepsi tuu, di pawagam somewhere i didn't remember but atm kitorang tengah layan Thor 2. Forever team loki, nampaknya. Nasi Ayam tu dipaparkan di sini disebabkan that was the first nasi ayam yang dimasak oleh Mak, that time with ayam madu, bukan a mere fried chicken or frozen drummet. Pastu, that was the first drink I had from Starbuck, kakak aku belanja supaya dia nak aku rasa. Aku rasa I wouldn't spend money on it, mahal kut. Serious shit mahal, though rasa boleh tahan. Nasi Goreng yang kakak aku masak. I crave for it. Aku dah abt few weeks tak makan properly, meaning that tak makan nasi. Kalau makan, maybe terpaksa ahhahaha.

Above are menus for orang sakit. Fish ((Ikan Merah)) soup dan a brunch set. Roti cranberries dan hazelnut white coffee, sambil buat Barbie-movie-marathon, perfect for brunch. Fruit juice for dinner. Kalau nasib bertuah dan wujud kerajinan yang tinggi dalam diri ini, maka dapatlah penuhi kepuasan dengan makan makanan berasaskan ikan. Ikan, ikan, ikan, semua ikan.

Aku patut keluar somewhere and shopping barang-barang aku. Since aku ni ganas, almost everything has worn out. Tinggal beg kucing ni, bawa merata-rata. Well, comel apa. Asalkan boleh masuk dan simpankan barang. Aaaand aku ada death note sendiri. No, that is calendar and planner for 2014. Bought E-Pop, got it free. Kalau Saroro tak promote EXO wujud dalam planner tuu, I wouldn't have bought it, but demi EXO, takde masalah sangat. Unfortunately, takde MBLAQ. 

"YAAAAY PAN-DAAAA!" //Love-Sha, 2009
Aku suka sangat panda just because it is cute. Tapi aku lekat benda jadahan ni, with reasonable excuses. Nasib baik aku menahan diri daripada tampal like everything with panda.

That's all.

Another thing is dramas I'm currently watching are Bel Ami, Hard Nut & Doctor X Season 2. Reply 94 & The Heirs aku still tengok but somehow I was just so done with all bullshits, idk all my ships already sunken into the deepest of the deep blue sea of The Great Line. Bel Ami is a good drama, based on manhwa. Drama tentang hidup, like it teaches you lessons, kalau betul-betul seikhlas hati tengok. While Hard Nut is somekinda Japanese version of Numb3rs. Ada Ai Hashimoto pulakkan, pastu Kengo Kora, haruslah tengok. And it is about maths! Last but not least, Doctor X Season 2 is a medical drama. Aku tak minat medic ke anything sc-medic related. Tapi, I was just happened to watch it out of curiosity, right after done with the surgery on my back. It is addictive and what's more, kelakar. 

Since rn aku layan more Japanese dramas and semua are aired once a week, so makin jaranglah watching drama online. Kalau tak tengok drama, well aku spend time with origami or drawing or writing shits or cats or hibernate or smth else, really. I could occupy myself with smth else, aku akan keep myself busy even though for something that doesn't even worth working for it. Then, out of curiosity, aku tried otome game. It is rpg for nds, Avalone Code. Ugh switches, switches merata-rata. A bit tiring, without a guide or walkthrough aku definitely akan sesat selamanya. Yang bestnya, boleh pilih jodoh, well personally. Yang tak bestnya, it is tiring and ada satu slot for saving game.

That's all. Really, that's it.

Nak bag baru,
Nak tees baru,
Nak sport shoes,
Nak flat shoes baru,
Nak A+ Varsity Jacket,


Recommended dramas: Hanzawa Naoki, Rich Man Poor Woman, Reply 1994, The Great Divorce

I did make everything brief. Tapi dalam otak banyak overflowing ideas came from nowhere seriously. And aku sekarang dah tak exposed to any social networking sites. Aaaah, tipu. Aku wujud je, for the sake of getting news, updates and precious additional knowledge.