
Saturday, February 1, 2014


Three days spent for orientation week at the university but this time, me as degree student /squeee/ Apakah perasaan aku right now? Nervous, serious shit nervous sebab future is something uncertain, unpredictable and sometimes life throws lemon or pie right in your face, or maybe a bless to you, and that's what we usually called up-down in life. Aku taknak predict or expect apa-apa, but if possible, just stick to the freaking plan: ada rumah sendiri yang besar

Assalamu'alaikum & Hai.

Right! A recap for this week.

Subuh di sana. I got mahallah yang jauuuh, far far awaaay from the kuliyyah building, class and whatsoever. As for this week, kitorang just took a walk from mahallah to the center of the campus. Tu pun dah jauh, apatah lagi kalau nak ke kelas. I couldn't imagine acano aku pergi balik ke sana, walking. What's more, I have classes at freaking 0830. Gila, tak? Aku rasa berhikmah sangat ada kelas awal subuh gajah camtu, since I'm not a morning person so by having classes at early in the morning, maybe aku boleh improve myself, so that tiadalah hibernasi selepas subuh? Uhmmm yeah. 

Three days for ta'aruf, so acano aku nak wrap everything up? Most briefings abt...duhhh idk...clubs, societies, cocu stuffs, courses, and more. What caught my attention was the soft-skills things, which things that I really lack of. So, bak kata lecturer aku back then when I was in cfs; keluar dari sini with improvements, you gotta show to all, the world what are you made of, apa improvements anda selepas graduate dari sini. Then, still thinking till now. Somehow aku dah ada idea apa yang aku cuba prove to the world and I'm capable of. Uhmmm yeah.

Balik bilik at 12 something then tidur finally at 2 or 3 in the morning...and wake at 0530. Oi siapa boleh tahan bro. Nak focus on the briefings pun tak boleh, even bila gossiping ke main pokemon emerald on my phone, still I couldn't. How many times I dozed off and blacked out, thank god takde gambar aku doing that shit. So lemme predict what'll happen bila sesi kelas bermula. Wake at 6 and dress up. Then, balik at 4 and if there's nothing, boleh start revising. Kalau ada masa baru boleh layan cerita. Then, free on friday but at noon, Saturday, ada kelas lah pulak. Memang tak baliklah aku 4 tahun ni. Uhmmm yeah.

Below is my current room. Cantik, tak? Better than before, kan? Cozy sikit lah, but somehow I prefer yang lama. Tapi, dah boleh bagi peluang kut, nak adapt in the room, current life situation and stuffs. Ughhh yeah.

Takde chance nak cam-whoring dengan kelasmets. Sempat stumbled upon them je, then just hai-hai-bye-bye je. Sepanjang tiga hari berkepit, clinging to roomies dan hari ketiga diakhiri dengan tontonan EXO Showtime 'squee/

I craved this like a decade. I prefer java chips, this one is caramel hot choc. Aku memahami pasal boycott-Starbucks matters. Boleh je praktikkan, since the price...semut mati pun hidup balik pastu koma selamanya. Tapi, yang ni pun aku tak habiskan licin sebab beli at 10 minum at 0100. Memang taklah, nak habiskan.

Above is things I did during break, days before got into the university. Aku belikan studs bag untuk aku. I've been wanting that for years, baru laa ni dapat. Next, before cuti few changes occurred dalam hidup aku: firstly, desktop wallpaper tu forever shishio from hnr. secondly, no beni anymore but empat stokin rule the house. Wow. Sehari sebelum tibanya hari nak balik ke sana, aku dapat manjakan diri makan western: fish and chips with mushroom soup and cappuccino. Uhmmm yeah. Double wows.

 Snow and Seven Guardians? Acano, boleh ke? Btw, happy chinese new/lunar year to those who celebrate and have a blast /weeee/ 


Lepas ni, maybe boleh update sikit, jarang-jarang kut. Entahlah, just...