
Saturday, April 19, 2014

Kkaebsong days

Assalamu'alaikum and hai.

Imma make a pretty long recap since I haven't write like for about two months? Well.
I know it is too early but to sum everything up, my current life, in short, :

Please. Excuse my rudeness but I need to just let it go, let it go~
Those two months back then, memang serious shit busy oh I don't need to highlight or even bold the word 'busy' here since I don't really 100% mean it btw. Macam biasalah, aku ni pun...malas. Let's get back to the point of posting this.

Mid-term was finally ended by this week, seriously...but then, final exams will be on the next month, about 2, 3 weeks ahead. Gila. Tak pernah tenang hidup aku. Then, presentations were like bertubi-tubi but Alhamdulillah 2, 3 of them done alrdy, 2 more left but still ugh maaaan I need a vacation. Well my brain actually need a rest, sebab macam dah emotionally drained. Pastu, Accounting was like serious shit susah ugh due to lack of practices, shits and more so I couldn't keep up with them. Nak tak nak kena, like, keep on fighting lah, kan. Hidup ni, alahai, memang macam ni.

I guess lepas masuk degree, banyak hangout dengan roomies more than other chingus. Paling senang didekati, dorang je lah. Masuk degree ni, macam-macam try. Konon, nak be more active in clubs or stuffs. But then again, malas weh. Alahai, 6 courses per semester and added with a will to be more physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually active in any club or societies or whatever they may be, memang taklah tbvh. But then, aku start off this at very slow pace, like, entering futsal tournament. Bukan praktis gedik-gedik macam tu je weh, terus advanced to entering tournament. Dah lah aku ni forever noob and sucks at sports ugh tapi akhirnya berjaya harungi dan sahut cabaran ni dengan sokongan kawan. Yay!

Jjaaang~! Roomies sekalian, but Leen dan Teha selalu takde dalam gambar sebab dorang missing in action bila ajak keluar. Oi, boleh kurangkan spending scarce money on food kut. I mean, like, aku kan...kadang-kadang dilemma whether to spend or not to, on food especially. Yelah, mahallah aku memang tak pernah dekat, serious shit jauh weh, idk how I could take it ugh. So, hal ini memerlukan tenaga yang banyak, meaning that, this requires me to spend on food, more! Dulu, RM5 sehari dah memadai. But now, oi, tak cukup, kena about RM10 and sometimes even more! Sebabnya, makanan dah mahal. Then, craving this year lain macam sikit. Tetiba mengidam nak itu, nak ini, then terus keluar somewhere ended up having huge loss. Tuntasnya, belanjalah dengan penuh hikmah dan berjimat-cermatlah, wahai diriku yang begitu berharga ini.

Sekarang, Nescafe booth kat sana dah alrdy closed, migrating maybe to other colleges or somewhere. Lately, aku dah mula minum coffee kat sana. Pastu, ada masalah tidur lagi, I mean, not really masalah ke apa but, I do see this shit seriously. Tidur sangat penting dalam hidup aku. Ever since I got into this university as a degree student, aku macam rarely dapat tidur sebanyak yang aku perlu. Then, lately, to the extent that aku langsung tak boleh tidur. Tapi, Alhamdulillah lah, kurang sakit kepala. Aku rasa ni hikmah bangun awal. So far, habit tidur awal tu macam on-off, and so with bangun awal. Hehe, tolonglah ain't nobody got time to wake at such early in the morning or even before the dawn. Haaa, tapi, bagus sangat bangun awal. Sis Safira cakap; tidur at 10PM and by 4AM dah boleh bangun, performing tahajjud maybe and then boleh start revising subjects. The best thing to start your day is by doing maths or any calculation, 'cuz this will refresh and brush up your brain. Jangan tanya tips aku irl I've never done any of them. Ada niat, tapi niat hanya sekadar niat. Oh, btw, in case dah ada Nescafe booth has landed to your college, give it a try lah, only RM.50 up to RM1.

On 12th April, lepas 11th April (Rasyid's birthday), abang guwe just got engaged. Gembiralah, ofc. Harap sangat these two kahwin and happy forever after. Yelah, orang kan...kalau boleh nak, like, everlasting relationship that means only death separates them. Semua nak that kind of relationship. Aku pun, ofc. Once kau dah suka, then decided to make someone as your forever soulmate, then merisik pastu bertunang terus. Then, aku faham, tunang boleh extend lama bertahun but better to keep the period not too short but not too long since future is unpredictable and if on if your relationship is, like, uncertain. Bila dah kenal hati budi pekerti tatabahasa, semua baru nikah. Amboi, cakap senanglah but then irl the whole-marriage thing is a big deal bro. So, kena weigh this thing betul-betul. You know, as you get into 20, macam aku, ofc lah, like, macam banyak kali terlintas abt this marriage thing. Aku pulak, macam...ugh not interested but aku ada preferences for my ideal family, cuma entahlah. Diri sekarang tak betul lagi, pastu jodoh pun alahai. Sekarang ni, aku cuma nak anyone please kawin cepat, pastu nanti aku boleh belanja baju untuk anak korang, hehe.

Reunion with ex-cfs classmates aaaand dengan Nana's tiramisu. Oi, semua kena rasa tiramisu nana ni sebab sedap sangat. Nak amik gambar, tapi dah tobek sana sini memang 'enak' sangatlah bila tengok nanti. Faham, tak? Dah lama tak jumpa dorang, just stumbled upon them je sometimes but kadang-kadang, biasalah, aku ni, depan mata pun tak nampak. Nak kata rabun, even pakai specs pun still tak nampak idekw okay, don't ask. Seronok lah, tbh. Suka bila dapat sekelas dengan dorang sebab semuanya baik-baik belaka. So, kalau nak buat dorang isteri, takpe aku izinkan tapi kena mutually consent on both sides lah. Amboi, terkeluar terms from Islamic finance. Teringin nak keluar dengan dorang. Well, actually, dorang selalu plan sana sini but then aku ni biasalah once aku kat rumah, aku terpaksa cancel last minute. Aku tak suka attitude macam tu, but that happens only when I got home, you know transportation and money in scarce issues. Bukan semua orang ada masa untuk orang sekelilingnya yang lain. Faham, kan?

Presentations and discussions, oi, banyak lagi sebenarnya. Takpe, take everything slowly. Now, aku rasa aku nak focus on Accounting more. Best Accounting ni ekcelli, namun begitu, disebabkan banyak kekangan berlaku, aku jadi macam bitchy towards it then macam, like, got no time at all! Ugh aku dah lah menyesal time mid-term tu, alahai. Takpe what's done is done. 


Adik aku dah dapat P and result SPM dia sangat memberangsangkan. Nak tumpang nangis ke terharu, tapi aku ni macam takde perasaan.

Currently: Hanzawa Naoki (encore); CSL (stopped halfaway); Witch's Romance; Gap Dong; ER (on hiatus); Magi (sobbbs-manga); Yowapeda; Noragami (on hiatus); Alice's Thorns (on the list); One Piece (on hiatus) //on hiatus - takda masa/macam malas sangat nak tengok. 


"Wah, pandainya awak!"


Me & awkwardness, in short.